Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Reflection Deception

“They that make them are like unto them: [so is] every one that trusteth in them.” (Ps 135:18 AV)

I lived in an area of the country where folk art was rather prevalent.  There are little shops scattered throughout the countryside selling the wares of a particular artist.  Generally, these are part-time artist.  Maybe a housewife who quilts, a husband who welds, a woman who creates wonders with yarn, or a man who turns wood like a professional.  These pieces are as unique as the people who create them.  One of my favorite craftsman is called the Wizard of Clay.  He has unique pieces that are world renown.  I have a couple of his Bristol coffee mugs and I wish I could have a cupboard full of them.  Even his shop is unique.  Octagon huts like something out of the Hobbit.  This passage has to do with false gods and idols.  Not to say these artist, whom I admire, are creating idols.  They are not.  They are truly pieces of art.  But what the writer of the psalm is trying to point out is that we reflect that which we trust the most.  It is usually something within ourselves which is our strength, joy, and trust.  What we produce or reflect the most is often that which is the dearest to us.

An athlete may display his trophies, a musician his platinum albums, the educated his degrees, or the successful homemaker the photos of the family. There is nothing wrong with that.  According to Solomon in the book of Ecclesiastes, we have every right to be pleased with what we have accomplished, especially for the LORD’s sake.  These things are a pleasure to us and a comfort that our life meant something.  The spiritual reality comes is that which we trust.

The athlete will lose his strength; the musician his ear; the educated his memory; and the homemaker’s family will grow up and move away.  These things change.  But the dearest which should be our dearest, never changes.  That is the LORD!  He is always there!  He should be our glory!  He should be the one whom we reflect the most.  Not what we have done for Him, but rather, what He has done with us!  We either trust the work of our own hands, or we trust the work of Someone else’s hands!

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