Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Unceasing Mind of God

“How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! [If] I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.” (Ps 139:17-18 AV)

Don’t ever doubt God’s concern for His children.  A God with an infinite mind can have infinite thoughts.  When we begin to think that God may not be concerned with what we are facing, or what the future might hold, or the potential threats that lay before us, we need to remember His thoughts and concern towards us are so vast, it would be impossible to count or comprehend.

I think about my sons, their wives, and my grandchildren all the time.  I wonder how they are doing.  How the LORD is using them for His glory. I think of my little granddaughter and two grandsons.  They are awesome!  I miss them terribly.  However, I am limited in how much I can think at any one time.  I cannot dwell on more than one person at a time.  At least deeply I cannot.  My thought might go from the ministry of one to the trials of a mother taking care of my grandkids.  Then the thoughts might go to what each grandchild has learned recently to recent health issues of another.  We cannot think more than one specific thought at any one time.  But God is not like that. He can think all thoughts simultaneously.

Not only the number of thoughts is important here.  The quality of thoughts is as well.  The writer calls them precious!  They are special.  They are emotional.  They are shrouded in love and concern.  When I worked at the Boy Scout camp, we would be away from our comes for about seven to eight weeks.  Even though we tried to get home on the weekends, it was almost nigh to impossible.  Mail call was the most precious time of the day.  As camp clerk one year, it was my responsibility to get the mail and distribute it to our staff.  When they got a letter from someone they loved, it was a precious time.  God is always sending us mail.  Through His word, the still small voice of the Spirit, and His hand on our lives.  These things are more precious than all the riches of the world!  Take comfort that God will never, ever forget you!  No matter how far off you feel!

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