Wednesday, June 28, 2017

We May Steer, But God Built the Road

“This [is] the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this [is] the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations. For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul [it]? and his hand [is] stretched out, and who shall turn it back?” (Isa 14:26-27 AV)

Theologically, we all understand the sovereignty of God.  Yet practically, we ignore it.  The context of this passage is the certain and sudden judgment that would come upon Babylon for being the hand of God’s chastisement upon Israel.  It was sudden and unexpected.  They believed they were in a state of security unparalleled by any other kingdom.  So certain were they that they completely ignored the precise prophecy of who it would be and how it would happen resulting in their downfall.  Roughly 150 years prior, Isaiah predicted the Medes would come upon Babylon by drying up the river, invading their city and completely overthrowing the mighty Babylonians.  They had the prophecy.  Yet did nothing to prevent the prediction.  The height of arrogance!  Yet, we do the same thing many times each day.

The word of God is absolute.  It does not change.  The LORD has put in His word all the revelation needed for mankind to serve Him and love Him.  There are blessings promised and curse warned.  Consequences for actions both good and bad.  Yet, we live our lives on a day to day basis in the belief we are the determiners of our own destiny.  We believe that in some way, maybe even a small way, we have control of the steering wheel.  Which, by the way, is a good analogy.  Someone going down the road may have control over the steering wheel.  But how much liberty does he really have in determining the direction of the vehicle?  The road is narrow.  There is only one single lane.  He has liberty so long as he stays within the confines of the road.  If he decides to veer off, in a ditch or worse is the consequence.  This is the sovereignty of God.  We may have some liberty, but it is very limited and is governed by the universal and applicable laws of God!

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