Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Simply Secure

“The LORD preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he helped me.” (Ps 116:6 AV)

The idea of being simple has both a negative and a positive implication in the Word of God.  It means naive.  It means simple concerning what one knows and the disposition he may have towards things.  Perhaps he is positive about everything.  Perhaps he is low in knowledge because he doesn’t have the ability or experience to have the knowledge that he should. Then there is the simple that is criticized.  In the book of Proverbs, the simple are those who could know more, but are willfully ignorant.  They pass on life making decision after decision that is harmful, claiming inexperience or lack of knowledge as the culprit.  It is the former of which is in use here.

 As a parent, we allow our children to over commit to something but then keep a watchful eye when it gets too much. We are there to bail them out when they realize they had neither the ability or knowledge to be successful.  When I was a boy, I had a paper delivery route.  No matter the season, a bicycle was more than not, the mode of delivery.  However, New York winters being what they were, there were times when a bicycle was not possible.  There was a time or two that I started off on a bicycle and had to walk it around my route by the end of the evening.  Once such day, when a storm unexpectedly came up, I saw the familiar form of our family station wagon coming up the road.  Stopping at the side of the road, we loaded the bicycle and finished the route.  Foolishly convinced I could do it with the bike, my Mom knew better and came to the rescue.

This is the meaning of this verse.  God often will not help the presumptuous.  That was Jesus’ defense when Satan tempted him to jump from the pinnacle.  Thou shalt not tempt the LORD thy God!  But there are times when we simply do not have the knowledge or experience we need and are heading head long into a major disaster.  Then, the gracious hand of God places a road block to change our direction!  Praise be to God!

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