Friday, June 2, 2017

Pressuring Peers

“I will speak of thy testimonies also before kings, and will not be ashamed.” (Ps 119:46 AV)

Why is it the most difficult people we have a time with sharing our faith are our peers?  David is a king.  David is a powerful king.  No doubt, he would have interaction with neighboring kings.  He makes a vow here that he will testify of the LORD to his peers and not be ashamed when he does so.  Our peers are the most difficult of all to speak to.

As adults, we don’t have a problem dealing with children.  They are commanded to respect age and wisdom. Therefore, we have an audience who will consider respectfully our witness.  There are older, more educated, or more prominent who we will speak to.  The humility is all ours and they respect that.  I remember witnessing to a Jewish lawyer.  I was a janitor at the time.  One of the greatest privileges of all my experiences.  He was dumbfounded that a simple janitor would have a grasp on the scriptures as the LORD gave me.  As long as I respected his education and standing in the community and served him as his janitor, he was more than willing to ask questions and listen.  The ones we have a hard time with are those in our own circles. Our own familiar friends, so to speak.  Those of our own education level, career level, and experience.  Our neighbors and friends are the hardest ones to approach.  And there is no good reason why. 

I think the reason might be that among our peers, we have the most to lose.  When dealing with someone above our station in life, humility cannot be lost.  Only gained.  When speaking to those below our station in life, respect is expected and continued.  But among our peers, we have to work for that position among others and risk losing it if they reject.  To reject the gospel is to reject us.  However, we are to preach the gospel to every creature.  Even those most like us!

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