Saturday, May 20, 2017

Not Dead Yet

“Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto [this] generation, [and] thy power to every one [that] is to come.” (Ps 71:18 AV)

We don’t know exactly when David penned these words or under what circumstances he penned them.  But if life is any indication, he may be thinking these things during his mid-life crisis.  As his stronger years are behind him and the energy levels begin to decrease, David begins to wonder what he might yet accomplish for the LORD.  He is not in a state of regret; as most who approach their mid-life crisis.  Regret over failures or lack of accomplishment.  What David is doing is asking the LORD for continued strength and opportunity so that he might continue to accomplish a work for the LORD.

One of the worst ideas to ever infiltrate the church is this idea of retirement.  It is ok for the secular world.  But there is no place for it in the church or the home.  Granted, physical work will take a physical toll.  This toll has to be paid.  And it can be in retirement.  However, as we discussed in a recent Sunday School lesson, the soul and spirit are regenerated at the point of salvation.  They are growing and increasing.  The body is redeemed at death.  It is in a constant state of deterioration.  Although our physical bodies do effect our minds and emotions, with proper spiritual maintenance, they can remain healthy and useful long into our twilight years.

Which brings me to our point.  There is no retirement in family or church life.  Not until our bodies give out!  David is looking for the opportunity and strength to continue.  He wants his life to mean something and accomplish something right up to the very last minute!  I have to agree.  As someone who is staring down the last third of his life, I want to go out in a blaze.  Not in a flicker!  I feel extremely blessed to have the privilege to preach and teach the gospel.  I have seen too many preachers fall into the trap of retiring from the pulpit because they think the only way to build a church is with youthful preaching and leadership. Hogwash!  What we need is revival in our middle age!  And that goes for those in the pews too!  Stop retiring and get moving!  You’re not dead yet!

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