Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Greatest Blessing!

“Blessed [is he whose] transgression [is] forgiven, [whose] sin [is] covered. Blessed [is] the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit [there is] no guile.” (Ps 32:1-2 AV)

Mankind may never understand the greatest blessing of all.  To be forgiven!  That is the greatest need and the greatest of all divine blessings.  To know the LORD has covered our sins in the blood of His own Son is what the human soul yearns for, yet too often rejects.

Many try to seek forgiveness and acceptance in objects or people.  They seek to salve a guilty conscience by drowning it out with drugs or alcohol.  They try to find acceptance in illicit relationships.  They try to silence the shame of their sin by distracting it with career, work, business, or hobbies.  The only comfort that can feed the desperate soul is forgiveness in the arms of the God of all grace!

When life gets overwhelming or the trials of life too hard to bear, the cure is often to remember how forgiven we are.  No trouble or trial will ever be as heavy as the burden of sin which we carry day in and day out.  No issue of health, finances, relationships, or career will ever be so heavy as the guilt and shame we bear over what we have done.  To understand the burden has been lifted by the grace of God through Christ is to live in true liberty.  Our contemporary generation does not understand this.  They erroneously believe liberty is the freedom to live as one chooses thinking God will look past it.  All this does is compound sin.  Their souls are pacified by shallow music very light on doctrine and heavy on emotion.  What they truly need is the liberty from sin which only forgiveness and repentance can bring.  Praise God we are forgiven.  The truth shall make you free!

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