Monday, May 8, 2017

Unchanging Silence

“O my God, I cry in the daytime, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent. But thou [art] holy, [O thou] that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” (Ps 22:2-3 AV)

This psalm is the psalm of Calvary.  It is the words and thoughts of Jesus as he hung on the cross.  Verse one of this Psalm are the very words which Christ cried out and what follows are the thoughts or emotions which he had.  The LORD cried out for his Father, who for the sake of sinners like me, turned His back on His own Son.  Now, the Son is crying out for the presence of the Father. Yet, the Father will not answer.

What caused the severing of the Father and the Son was my sin.  The sin of all mankind caused, for the first and only time, a separation in the Godhead.  The Father rejects the Son because the Son bore on himself the wickedness of all.  When the Father refused to hear the Son, it was my fault!  Which brings us to our devotions.

There are times when we feel the LORD is not listening.  It is just a sense of things.  It is the silence of the Divine voice that we mourn over.  We wish to hear His voice as we stumble through our hardest time.  But it is not the Father’s fault.  This is the point of verse three.  Regardless of what we feel or think we sense, God is holy!  Period!  He does not change His character to accommodate sinful men.  He still expects holiness.  If we cannot (and we cannot) provide holiness, by Jesus Christ, it will be provided for us!  The bottom line is this, if we cannot hear or do not sense the voice of God, then the fault always lies with us and not with Him!

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