Friday, May 19, 2017

Our God of Salvation

“[He that is] our God [is] the God of salvation; and unto GOD the Lord [belong] the issues from death.” (Ps 68:20 AV)

It is really easy to forget this.  Eternal salvation isn’t the only salvation of which our LORD is God.  He is the God of all salvation.  Even the salvation which we need from one moment to the next.

There are many things from which we need to be saved.  We need to be saved from the Devil.  He is a wicked and evil tormentor.  He is a demon that wishes to make our lives ineffective and even disastrous.  Not that he is intent on harming us for the mere pleasure.  He is intent on harming us because it harms the LORD.  There are trials from which we need salvation. Trials that bring us to the brink of ourselves.  They test our strength and our faith.  First Corinthians chapter ten and in verse thirteen is a wonderful promise of God’s salvation to those struggling in their faith.  The enemy which we face every waking second of our lives is ourselves.  This is the greatest of all things from which we need salvation.  Our minds are bent towards wrong thinking.  Our hearts are impulsive and bent towards self-pleasure.  Our choices are often the wrong ones.  We are the greatest things from which we need salvation.

The opposite of God’s salvation is our own strength and effort.  It is not the truth that we sit idly by and wait on God to do everything while we do nothing.  Even Salvation from hell requires we ask for it.  However, as human beings, we place more pressure or confidence on ourselves to get us out of that which we are in when we have a God of salvation who can do it far better than we can ourselves.  Even if we thought our actions alone would reverse the current course, if God so choose to, He can circumvent our actions and continue the circumstances (or even make it more difficult or challenging).  There is a saying, “Do what you can, or are obligated to, and leave the rest to God!”  God desires to save us from all sorts of messes.  If we would only trust Him, humbly ask Him, and leave it with Him!

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