Friday, May 26, 2017

Sanity Shall Return

“For the LORD will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance. But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it.” (Ps 94:14-15 AV)

We are now reading several Psalms with the Exodus and wilderness wandering as its main theme.  In context, this is a promise to a new generation that even though God is asking them to wander as the old nation dies off, He has not forsaken this nation.  Israel is a picture of the life experience of the New Testament saint.  The Exodus pictures salvation.  An exodus from the world of sin unto service for God.  However, there are parts of us that must die off.  The old man must be crucified afresh.  He must be brought to the Cross and left there.  This is a life time struggle.  Sometimes we feel as though we fail more than we succeed.  No matter how we feel, we must be assured the LORD has not cast us off forever.

What struck me this morning as particularly precious was the remedy!  Judgment (or wisdom) shall return so that the people would follow after righteousness.  Every child of God, no matter what stage of growth he or she is in, desires righteousness.  The new man, which is created in righteousness, yearns for the purity of holiness.  The Spirit which dwells within reinforces that desire.  This is the purpose for Romans chapter seven.  How to accomplish this, we know not.  Yet, in the context, we see a glimmer.  We see that judgement returned.  The old man had enough sense to get out of the sin of Egypt.  That showed wisdom.  But he didn’t have enough wisdom to trust the LORD when asked to take the land of Canaan.  As the old man died off in the wilderness, the new man experienced hardship because of it.  God was with them and provided for their needs.  The new man learned that God is good and trustworthy on contrast to what the old man felt.  Judgment returned because the new man was renewed in the knowledge of God’s faithfulness!

So, here is the good news for the world-weary.  God has not given up on us!  He has not given up on you.  AND HE NEVER WILL!  Eventually, spiritual sanity will return and you will be crossing the Jordan.  Until then, learn the lessons well!  They are meant for your benefit!

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