Thursday, May 4, 2017

Divine Attitude of Sin

“For thou [art] not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee.” (Ps 5:4 AV)

We forget many times just how serious God’s feelings are effected by sin.  Although God is merciful, gracious, and loving, He is still holy, just, and right!  God hates several things.  It is clear in the Word.  Sin is at the top of the list.  There is nothing in wickedness from which God derives pleasure.  If there is no pleasure, then there is total hatred.

In our contemporary world were God is all love and no displeasure, the ‘Christian’ mind cannot even comprehend how a holy God can hate anything.  The post-contemporary mind cannot fathom a God who would hate what he or she does.  That just doesn’t compute.  In today’s ‘Christian’ mind, we have muddied the understanding of unconditional love.  We think that God will love us no different no matter what we do.  We believe His attitude towards us or demeanor towards us will not change no matter what choices we make.  We believe that God loves us just the way we are and have no motive to change more and more into His holiness.  What a crock!

God hates sin because sin destroys what He had created to be perfect.  Sin repulses Him!  He loves the human soul enough to send His only begotten Son to die for the very sin which He hates!  That is love!  But that doesn’t mean God’s attitude towards sin has changed on iota!  Sin matters!  Wickedness matters!  What we need to do as God’s children is to ask the LORD for the same hatred of sin which He possesses!  Hatred enough of sin that we will flee from it!

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