Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Strong Hands

Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Let your hands be strong, ye that hear in these days these words by the mouth of the prophets, which were in the day that the foundation of the house of the LORD of hosts was laid, that the temple might be built.” (Zec 8:9 AV)

The Jewish people had a lot of reasons to be discouraged.  They had returned to Palestine and were tasked to repair the temple.  Babylon had come 70 years earlier and burned it to the ground.  A mere fraction of them returned to rebuild and repair.  As they did, they were constantly challenged by the unbelievers among them.  They attempted to halt the work when a new king was enthroned.  They played on his lack of knowledge concerning his predecessor’s decree that the temple and walls be rebuilt.  The work ceased for a time until the king had an opportunity to research the archives.  The well-to-do Hebrews overburdened their poorer citizens.  Some intermarried with non-Jewish wives.  At one point, Gentile unbelievers were renting living space in the temple that was meant for storage.  This meant the needs of the priests went unmet.  One thing after another challenged the resolve of the Jewish people to rebuild. 

There is a partnership we see above.  The partnership of the prophets to encourage the people, and the work of the people to remain committed.  Note the ones spoken to have heard the word of the prophets.  They understand their calling and duty.  They know the promises given to Abraham, Isaac, and David.  They know their work has a purpose.  They know they have the king's blessing and protection.  They know the troubles they experience are only a manifestation of the adversaries' disapproval of what they are doing.  It is a mark they are doing the right thing.  They know the LORD will bless them for doing what they were asked to do.  What remains is for them to let their hands be strong.  They had every right to be weak.  In a sense.  They had returned from 70 years of captivity to a land that had been pillaged.  It would sort of be like picking up the pieces after a tornado went through.  The very sight of it would sap all strength from one’s soul.  Add to that the hardships they endured while in captivity one can understand how a little discouragement would remove all motive to continue.  But continue they must.  God had a job for them.  When they completed the task, their resolve would testify to the reality of God and their faith in Him.

Discouragement is part of our Christian walk.  It comes and goes.  I am not adjusting well to my current season of life.  I can see a decade into the future and I know there is coming a time when I will have to step back and build up a younger man to take my place.  Some look forward to retirement.  I am not.  Getting older can be a discouragement.  Some have health issues.  Others are struggling financially.  There are relationship issues.  There is severe pushback from those who hate the LORD and they make our very existence miserable.  There is coming a day when the people of God are singled out and we will lose our liberties.  The prophet will continue to encourage.  We know the future and what is coming.  We know Jesus is returning and will make all things right.  We know our labor is not in vain.  We know rewards are awaiting us by which we can worship our Savior.  We know this earthly tabernacle is temporary and we will enjoy an incorruptible body.  We know all this.  So, may our hands be strong.  Let them be strong with whatever time and opportunity God grants.  Let our hands be strong for our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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