Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Quiet Time

“Be silent, O all flesh, before the LORD: for he is raised up out of his holy habitation.” (Zec 2:13 AV)

That time is coming!  May the world be prepared for it.  But they won’t be.  Our world is a very loud world.  Riots abound.  Complaints persist.  Nation is against nation.  Self-interest groups are clashing because they think their interest is the most important one.  Chaos is everywhere.  It seems everyone has a bullhorn and has nothing productive to say.  They shout and scream at God.  They hate Him with every fiber of their being.  Humanity is marching on to destruction and they are not being quiet about it.  They think just the opposite.  The louder they get, the more they think they are winning.  But there is coming a day when God will speak in a very dramatic and obvious way to the degree that all the world will be so dumbfounded and full of terror, that not a word will be spoken.  God will speak and no one will answer.

Have you ever noticed the tactic those who hate righteousness employ when losing an argument?  Knowing they have no rebuttal that will score points, they cut off their opponent in mid-sentence.  And the worse they are losing, the louder they get.  It is an intimidation tactic.  If you cannot win an argument, be sure the other guy cannot as well.  The reality their voice is rising, and they will not allow you a word, implies that they know they are losing.  This happens to me every now and again while going door-to-door.  I try to leave without stirring a controversy.  I don’t seek obvious confrontation.  But that doesn’t stop some.  The vast majority, I might add, are not so.  We are cordial.  We are polite.  We are friendly.  And so are they.  We may disagree, but we rarely get into it with anyone.  But there are those times.  It usually happens right after we give them a gospel tract and before we ask leading questions.  They immediately start defending what they believe.  It is at this time we seek to implore the principles of Prov 26:4.  But that doesn’t always work.  We try to get a word in edgewise, and all we get in response is loud arguments.  At this point, we are looking for a segway.  We seek some way we might graciously leave without seeming angry or upset.  This is the way of the rebelliously stubborn.

But the world is God’s porch.  Or, better yet, His footstool.  He doesn’t have to leave.  You are in His house.  Creation belongs to Him.  Man thinks too highly of himself.  God doesn’t have to politely bow out.  He is the Creator and in Him we have our being.  He is in control of all things.  Even our eternity.  So, it doesn’t matter how loud mankind gets.  God is much louder.  It doesn’t matter how much man hates.  God is far greater.  There will be no arguing. There will be no temper tantrums.  There will be no threats, no riots, no bullhorns.  When Jesus comes back, our Savior, Redeemer, and God will put to silence the most violent rebel and all the flesh will fall silent before Him.  GLORY!

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