Saturday, November 25, 2023

Wisest Words We Need

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear.” (Pr 25:11-12 AV)

We often use verse eleven as a stand-alone.  We encourage the wise use of the tongue.  There are helpful words.  There are neutral words.  There are hurtful words.  If the words are fit, they are like gold and silver.  Gold and silver are great to look at.  Especially when you have gold surrounded by pure silver.  But what really turns the head is the value one places on such a thing.  Beauty here is not merely in appearance, but value.  Words fitly spoken are held in great value to those who hear them.  Add to this truth the statement that follows, and the truth becomes even deeper.  The words spoken are specific ones.  They are not words of flattery or affirmation.  They are not words of encouragement or praise.  These words are words of reproof to the ear of someone who is willing to hear them.  Words of reproof may at first be uncomfortable.  Yet, for someone who wants to do the right thing and has the humility to match, words of reproof are like golden apples framed in pure silver.

Note also that the reprover has to be wise.  An unwise reprover will not choose his words wisely.  And unwise reprover will not consider his own faults.  An unwise reprover will not be sensitive to timing or environment.  He will be blunt and often at the worst time.  He will come off as condescending.  The unwise reprover will not think his words all the way through.  He will not weigh the harshness of the reproof against that which he is trying to accomplish.  Compassion and patience will not be his strength.  He will reprove dispassionately and only because he is in the right.  For the words of the reprover to be of great value, the one offering advice must do so wisely.

There have been special men in my life who were wise reprovers.  They invested their time in me so when these words came, compassion, love, and genuine concern were behind their words.  There were kind and honest words from men who had life experiences I did not have.  There were words of challenge when I needed to hear them.  There was one time a colleague of mine asked me a hard question.  He did so out of frustration with me.  But his words did not fall on deaf ears.  Those words changed the trajectory of my ministry and life.  Praise the LORD for men who are not afraid to say what needs to be said, but also have the wisdom to do it right. 

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