Saturday, November 11, 2023

Day For The Tempter

"Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!” (Mt 18:7 AV)

What is interesting about this verse is how much we limit the offense to persecution.  But the context is temptations.  Following this verse is Jesus’ instruction to ride oneself of that which would cause an offense.  In particular, He mentions the eye and the hand.  Persecution may come and go, but temptation to fall is always near.  We have times of respite from the enemies of the gospel.  It is not always evident those who fight God also fight us.  It is not constant.  It comes in ebbs and flows.  But the flesh and world are always there.  They are there to tempt us.  They are there to offer an offense.  The judgment above is leveled against those who would cause the believer to fall.  Those who deliberately bring to the saint those things which he should not enjoy or situations which cause him to react in an unchristian manner will be judged for their interference.  For us, we must be aware of that which offends and guard against the inevitable.

There are way too many temptations out there.  You can’t go anywhere or watch anything without the world trying to trip you up.  If you have a smartphone, the ads that come across borders on wicked.  There isn’t anywhere you can turn without having to keep your guard up.  Even if you got rid of all electronic forms of input, just going down the road from point A to point B, the saint has to shield the eyes.  We have to go to bed at night seeking God’s forgiveness for living that day.  But there is comfort.  The comfort is those that are instruments of temptation will be dealt with when Jesus returns.  There is no escape.  The LORD will end all of it.  This is the promise above.

Jesus takes very seriously the temptations His brethren are forced to deal with.  He has compassion because He lived as we live.  He had to live among wickedness just like we do.  He had to guard against ungodliness.  He was tempted in all points as we are, yet without sin.  He knows exactly how we feel.  He knows exactly how frustrated we can get.  He knows how navigating and given day is something more than a mere challenge.  He also knows exactly how it feels to have Satan harass you to your limit.  He had to battle the Devil at the weakest point of His life.  Satan will serve an eternity in torment.  So, too, will all of mankind who have turned their back on God and make it a sport to tempt the people of God.  Justice is coming.  This is our motive.  This is from where we can gather comfort.  We will have to deal with the circumstances of our choices.  But woe to the one or ones who brought us to those choices.

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