Monday, November 13, 2023

Coiled and Ready

“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” (Mt 24:44 AV)

I think it is interesting the Savior suggests the closer we get to His return, the less the saints will be looking for it rather than the opposite.  That describes our current generation.  They believe the LORD still has millennia to go before His returns in all His glory.  But rather than take issue with those who think Jesus is still a thousand years away from returning, I would rather think about the first five words.  Being ready is the point here.  Whether Christ returns tonight or 1,000 years from now, the fact that we do not know when is the principle upon which we base our preparedness.  Not knowing is the reason we should be ready.  Not knowing is the catalyst for being prepared every moment of the day and night that we might stand before the LORD Jesus Christ.

I think it is interesting Jesus told His disciples to be ready two thousand years ago.  We also know He states no one knows the day and hour of His return.  No man, angels, and not even Himself.  Only the Father in heaven knows when He will send His son.  This also means Jesus exists in the ready position.  He sits ready at any moment to return and claim His kingdom.  He was and is at the ready.  Our Savior sits at the right hand of the Father.  He sits knowing that at any time the Father may reach over and touch His Son’s forearm and say, “It is time”.   He sits waiting to call His white steed to the foot of His throne.  He is waiting for the declaration to proceed that the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our LORD and of His Christ.  The trumpeters have wet their lips.  The trumpets are slightly elevated.  The Archangel has polished his horn, cleaned his mouthpiece, oiled his plungers, and is holding his horn at the ready position.  All heaven is like a coiled spring waiting for the word from the Father.  They have been that way for two thousand years.  They are ready and primed.  They know their assignments.  They know the steps they will take.  And, the Son of God is prepared.

We constantly mention the eventuality of death to those who do not know Christ and the uncertainty of that day and hour as a reason to repent of sin, trusting in Jesus Christ for one’s salvation.  We mention verses that deal with the brevity of life.  We warn those who are without Christ they cannot avoid death.  It will happen.  Eternity is a heartbeat away.  We do so with passion and urgency.  We know what they do not care to think about.  So, that being said, why don’t believers prepare themselves in like manner?  Death is certain.  So is the return of Christ.  We often think that death can come at any moment.  But we do not entertain the certainty of Christ’s return in like manner.  Tonight might be the last night in which I take a breath. It might come from a heart attack.  Or, it might come because a trumpet blows and my name is called.  This is what Jesus is trying to tell His disciples.  Look for the coming of the Son of God and live as though He could return at any moment.  Carry the joy of the LORD on your face and in your soul because the redeemer of Your soul is right around the corner. 

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