Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A Simple Prayer

“[That which] I see not teach thou me: if I have done iniquity, I will do no more.” (Job 34:32 AV)

Pretty simple and right to the point.  Elihu is speaking these words to Job and his three friends.  But as I thought about these words, I thought they might make a great prayer request.  This is not too hard to comprehend.  A simple prayer that doesn’t sugarcoat anything.  The prayer admits the possibility of sin or error; perhaps even assumes it; and promises when it is revealed, he will no longer think or do such a thing.  Coming from Elihu’s lips, these words are empty.  He was the youngest among them and spoke these words hastily and with an attitude.  He had no intention of admitting he was wrong.  In the mouth of the humble, these words are priceless.

The statement above is from a simple mind.  By that, I mean a mind free of presumption.  A mind that sees something as black and white.  No flowery words.  No eloquence to impress others.  No unsubstantiated claims.  Just a simple statement that if the way of error is revealed, he will do it no more.  What I see in these words are words of resolve.  Perhaps not for Elihu.  He was insincere.  Rather, if spoken by the humble saint to a loving God, the resolute nature of this statement would no doubt, bring results.  To sum up one’s walk with God down to this simple statement shows a great deal of maturity.  Perhaps maturity is born from many years of failure.  The saint that has come to the end of his rope because he or she has been trying to live for God in the flesh, will pray this prayer out of a heart of full surrender.  He or she will come to the end of the path he or she has been walking only to realize they have failed more than they have succeeded.  They will fall on their faces and pray this prayer, not because they are disappointed.  They have moved past that.  They will not pray this prayer because they are ashamed.  Forgiveness is theirs and the adversary has fled.  No, this prayer comes from the lips of a broken and ready heart.  These words come from a soul who has given up completely.  They have given up trying to do it all on their own and whatever lies before them, they will do.

It takes quite a bit to get to this point.  Some think they are there.  They have great outward standards of separation.  They dress right.  They keep themselves from impurity.  They listen to the right kinds of music.  Yet, they struggle in other areas of the spirit.  Some think that because they are humble, then they are always right with God.  Not so.  Those who have come to the point of Elihu’s request as spoken before God are few and far between.  I have not met many.  However, I have met a few.  These people usually are broken people.  They have baggage in their past for which they are still suffering.  They know what the end of sin or poor judgment can bring.  They have lived their way.  They have paid the price for it.  Now, they kneel at the foot of the cross with a totally yielded heart.  They come to their church and the pastor and are willing to do whatever they think will bring glory to God.  They do not cause problems.  They are the best workers.  They give of themselves in any way they can.  They have prayed that prayer and are glad to do it.

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