Sunday, November 26, 2023

Faith In The Future Dictates The Present

Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:” (Heb 12:28 AV)

 How pertinent is this?  With wars all around us and a world that seems out of control, the knowledge our kingdom is not of this world and cannot be removed is extremely comforting.  This world is not our home.  We are just passing through.  We know eternity cannot be compared to what we are seeing today.  They are diametrically opposed.  The world is full of sin and wickedness.  The world is full of unregenerate people and saints who struggle with the old man.  There will always be problems until Jesus returns and transforms the creation into a place of absolute perfection.  Knowing this is our future, our beloved Apostle encourages us to have grace and serve God with reverence and godly fear.  When I read this, I was struck with the patience, grace, and faithfulness of the verse.  It all hinges on our perception of the future.  The more real eternity is to us, the more patience, grace, and fortitude we will have.

There have been times when knowing what the future held helped me get through very hard times.  The most recent is Lisa’s cancer.  When we received the initial diagnosis, our mind automatically went to the mortality rate of the diagnosis.  You read all you can about the disease and always think the worst.  Even though the doctors tried to encourage us, we simply did not hear their words.  We heard cancer and we heard incurable.  Many thoughts raced through my head.  Even today, when she has a symptom, it is always seen through the eyes of cancer.  When she has a cough, I cannot help but think the cancer has gone to her lungs.  When she has a backache, I cannot help but think the tumor on her intestine has come back.  When she rubs her tummy, I think the same.  This is utter foolishness!  None of these things are true. But the mind goes there anyway.  So, how do I cope?  The most helpful thought that comes to mind is eternity.  It is mind-blowing!  Do you realize that once we are in heaven, we can never be parted from those whom we love?  This, to me, is a truly amazing thought.  Lisa and I will be forever together.  Yes, I know; all you theologians.  We will no longer be husband and wife.  What we will have is a relationship that will last an eternity.  It is the knowledge that we will never be parted that gives me comfort through the possibilities that may await us.

What a comforting verse the LORD has provided today!  There is no reason to be agitated.  There is no reason to be upset.  There is no reason peace should not reign in our hearts.  There is no reason we should give up hope and wait out the clock.  There is no reason we should be impatient with the Lost.  There is no reason we should pursue sin because Jesus is coming back and what difference would it make anyway?  Eternity will be here when God says it will.  It will be here quicker than we think.  Time is running out.  Time is limited.  Even if He tarries for a few more centuries, our lives are still but a vapor.  The clock will strike midnight quicker than we think.  It is with this in mind we need to be steadfast, full of grace, and fear God as though we could meet Him today.

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