Saturday, November 4, 2023

Meet Up

Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.” (Mal 3:16 AV)

Did you know that God is an eavesdropper?  Did you notice that those who feared the LORD shared fellowship and the LORD heard it all?  The Bible does say where two or three are gathered in His name, He is in the midst.  Putting that aside, we want to acknowledge and value fellowship as something we all need.  The importance of fellowship, especially in the times in which we live, cannot be understated.  The writer of Hebrews states, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some [is]; but exhorting [one another]: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” (Heb 10:25 AV)  Note the emphasis on the approaching day of the LORD’s appearance.  The closer we get to the return of Jesus Christ, the more important fellowship will be.  Our human nature tells us the exact opposite.  If persecution arises, assembling would not be a good idea.  If we gather in numbers, surely it will be easier for them to find us.  But that is not what the LORD says.  Assembling and fellowship are vital to the spiritual well-being of God’s people.

This younger generation concerns me.  Their definition of a deep relationship is two or three sentences in a text.  They do not take phone calls any longer.  They are losing the ability to visit and fellowship unless they are occupied with a common task.  Put them in a game room and they talk with one another.  Sit down to a meal and as soon as their tummies are full, they are off to the next event.  We simply do not sit around and speak often one with another.  Almost all of God’s creatures are social creatures.  Some are solitary, but for the most part, God’s creation is segregated by common characteristics, interests, and purpose.  Mankind cannot be any different.  If anything has been taught to us in the last three years the world’s system does not want us mobile and social.  They want to put us in transportation that can only travel for about three hours.  When we are ill, they want us to shelter in place and not mingle with one another. They do not want the human race to socialize.  They tell us it is for our own good.  They tell us to remain healthy and to save the planet, the less mobile we are and the more solitary we are, the more these goals become reality.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

It is now a well-established truth that isolation is not healthy.  Isolation has contributed to a dramatic rise in mental health issues and suicide rates.  We were not created to live alone.  When God created Adam, He said, “And the LORD God said, [It is] not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” (Ge 2:18 AV)  God did not design us to be loners.  He designed people to be around people.  The need for fellowship is a basic one.  It is one that drives us to others.  The writer of Hebrews raised the possibility it is possible to forsake it.  Heaven forbid that we do.  As the day of the LORD’s appearing approaches, let us seek godly fellowship more and more.

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