Saturday, February 19, 2022

What a Day in Which We Live

For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.” (Lu 10:24 AV)

 The prophets and kings are those of centuries gone by who heard of the Messiah and knew of the prophecies, yet because His appearing was not in their lifetime, they failed to experience His ministry and teachings.  It is not that the disciples had more insight, wisdom, or spirituality.  They were born at the right time and right place.  They had an opportunity others did not.  Our LORD may be sharing this bit of truth for different reasons.  Some perhaps should be more grateful for what they have because some never had or will have what they had.  I am sure David and Isaiah would have given their right arm to be one of Jesus’ disciples.  There should be no complaining while in the service of the King.  Or, perhaps it is to remind the disciples of the uniqueness of their station in life and to use it to its fullest.  They are the first twelve.  They are to whom the keys of heaven are given.  They are those who will relate the history and teaching of the Messiah and some will be moved by the Holy Spirit to perfectly write the scriptures.  What a blessing to be born in New Testament times!  Of all the times in human history, we have the most revelation ever given to man and the greatest opportunity to impact our world.

I practically grew up at a Scout Camp called Camp Dittmer. This camp is one of the oldest camps in the state of New York.  This camp has a rich history of working with the Army Corp of Engineers.  The larger projects requiring more than a group of boys are handed off to the Corp.  The Corp built a causeway across lake Remick that made travel from one half of the camp to the other a much shorter trip.  They also assisted in building the Mess Hall, the Trading Post, and the office building.  Sometime in the past of the camp, a beach was formed at Lake Remick so future campers didn’t have to recreate in the muck.  There is a dam at the far point of the lack.  From time to time, this dam needs attention.  One of the summers I worked at the camp, I served as camp clerk.  Basically, I sat in the office, answered the phone, and distributed mail every day.  Being the young and curious lad that I was, I snooped.  I looked through some files.  In looking at some of the files, I discovered the transition from what the camp originally was to what it had become.  I say surveys, land acquisitions, project plans, and property improvements.  There were even some old pictures included.  What struck me, and it always does, is the present generation has no clue as to what it took to realize what they currently experience.  They cannot imagine a time when the amenities seen today did not exist a generation before.  That which they now enjoy, previous scouts did not have.  The waterfront was once a few canoes and a lot of mud.  Now, a sandy beach, dock, and sailboats.  The Mess hall was a simple kitchen with a shelter.  Now, a full commercial kitchen with an airconditioned dining room.  What is true of the temporal things of life is also true of the spiritual.

The church exists at the most opportune time in human history.  We live in a time where we have the complete and plenary-inspired word of God.  Never before in human history has mankind had the complete word of God.  We live in such a time when doctrinal revelation has never been as extensive as it is now and especially with the invention of electricity, it is almost no effort to find any truth one desires.  Never before have we had the ability to be anywhere in the world at any time in under 26 hours.  Missions is nothing like it was just a hundred years ago.  We live in a time when generations before would have given anything to be in the time in which we serve today.  We live in the best possible time to share the gospel with the world.  This is evidenced by their radical rejection of it.  When we complain about the world and the direction it is headed, let us remember some have gone on before who, if they could have, traded places with us for the opportunity we have today.  We see churches shrinking.  We see persecution growing.  We see hard times ahead.  Those who have gone before see a time when the gospel is going worldwide and the glory of God goes forth unabated.  It is all a matter of perspective.  The prophets and kings desired what the Apostles had.  And I guarantee you, the Apostles desire what we have.  Let us remember that the next time we are tempted to complain.

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