Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Liberty Is Certain

Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” (Ro 8:21 AV)


What a verse!  No explanation here.  There is coming a day when we will be completely free from the bondage of corruption spoken of in the previous chapter.  The promise above is a future one.  Therefore, until we are glorified and this body of sin is completely destroyed, there will always be a battle.  The degree of bondage is completely up to us.  God will not withhold deliverance from those who wish it.  If we want to be free from the bondage of corruption, then we can be.  We have talked about this rather frequently over the last few days.  Note also the deliverance is unto glorious liberty.  Freedom from that which destroys to surrender to that which gives life.  Note also the emphatic nature of the promise.  SHALL BE!  There is no doubt as to the glorious liberty which awaits those who have placed their faith and trust in Christ!

Bondage is bad enough. The bondage of corruption is unspeakable.  The bondage that does more damage than the mere bondage itself is to what we are referring.  It is a common theme in literature or filmography when the protagonist is in a horrible situation and is given a choice of the lesser of two evils.  Perhaps he is being tortured.  He is given the opportunity to fight to the death against an opponent or return to his cell and more torture.  To make things even more dramatic, his opponent would be an ally.  If he would simply enter the ring against his buddy then all the pain and torture would cease.  I have seen or read this theme a dozen times if I have seen or read it once.  The protagonist is pushed to his limits.  He would do just about anything to escape a horrible existence.  In these situations, there is often a twist that settles the matter to the benefit of the protagonist and his ally.  At some time during the bout, the protagonist and his ally turn on the antagonist, and both live to tell about it.  This is a good example of our bout with sin!

We have an ally.  His name is Jesus Christ.  The flesh, world, and devil attempt to turn us against our champion.  He may chasten us as we need it.  But He is on our side.  The devil would want nothing less than for God to dispatch us because of habitual disobedience.  As the blows of correction land, they are meant for our strength and not our weakness.  In the pit together, the saint and his LORD battle sin.  When the right time comes, then the enemy of death, sin, and Satan become the final blow leveled by both!  The Champion and the ally together begin to swing the sword of the word of God and the helmet of salvation protects them from blows as they ascend to glorious liberty in eternity.  The true enemy is defeated.  It lies in the dust to remain corrupted forever.  A new and glorious body is given that we might live in that glorious liberty forever.  It is only a matter of time.

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