Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Four Commands To Men

“Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.” (1Co 16:13 AV)

Pretty simple, huh?  It might be argued that Paul wrote this to a group of men who had failed in all four areas.  Corinth had some serious issues.  They struggled with envy and abuse.  They were suing each other.  They had a serious problem with pride.  But above all else, fornication was celebrated.  A mother-in-law was cohabiting with her step-son.  The fact of this relationship was bad enough.  What was worse is the church not only sanctioned it but took pleasure in it.  Again, one might say the problem lay squarely at the feet of male leadership.  Pagan Corinth worshiped the Greek goddess Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation.  By default, this made Corinth a matriarchal society.  The government, like all Roman governments at the time, was controlled and run by men.  But the real power was in the hands of women.  Whenever morality is an issue, men are weaker and women are stronger.  This explains the condition at the church of Corinth.  This also explains why Paul felt it necessary to tell the men to watch, stand fast, strive, and be strong.  Let us consider all four commands this morning.

Paul tells the men to watch.  To stand watch.  To be aware of everything around you.  But especially that which threatens one’s life, home, church, or nation.  We are to keep our eyes open and be realistic concerning the plausible threats that could attack at any moment.  This is not our wife’s responsibility.  This is not our church’s responsibility.  We are not to abdicate our responsibility to the preacher or pol.  It is on us to look at the horizon and guard against any and all harmful influences to our hearts and those of whom we are responsible.

Next, Paul commands that we stand fast in the faith.  This requires we be in the faith.  It requires we study, learn, memorize, and apply the word of God.  This also means we have enough integrity to stand on what is right and biblical, even if we stand alone.  To stand fast in the faith is more than merely standing for a body of doctrine.  The principles of the word of God are also ‘the faith’.  Standards of holiness, correct conversation among others, and a disciplined personal spiritual life are all objects of the faith.  To stand fast in the faith means to be a man of the word of God and not a man of the world.

Thirdly, Paul tells the men to “quit you like men.”  As Albert Barnes writes, “It means, to render one manly or brave; to show oneself a man; that is, not to be a coward, or timid, or alarmed at enemies, but to be bold and brave. We have a similar phrase in common use: “Be a man,” or “Show yourself a man;” that is, be not mean, or be not cowardly.”  The thing with a matriarchal cultural structure is that men are intimidated by strong women.  Men are not strong enough to stand up to their wives when their wives are wrong.  The old saying “happy wife, happy life” is a saying of the Corinthian church.  To think that we have to make our wives happy so that we can have a happy life is saying they control the relationship.  Not according to Paul.  When Paul confronted the fornicating couple, he placed all the blame on the stepson.  Regardless of her age, experience, and enticement, it is first on him.  Be a man and lead!

Lastly, Paul tells the men to be strong.  In a matriarchal society, the men are babied.  Wife becomes Mother.  The husband is waited and doted on.  He is the weaker vessel and not the lady.  As a society, we are already there.  As saints, we are quickly approaching this.  We are like little boys who skin their knees and have to run to mommy so she can kiss it and make it all better.  Be strong!  Rub some dirt on it!  I praise the LORD for my mother.  She raised eight boys and three girls.  She never let her boys fuss about anything.  She wouldn’t coddle us.  If we were hurt badly enough; like my broken arm or Greg’s head split wide open; she reacted appropriately.  But she never let us have a come-a-part.  Be strong.  Bear up and buck up.  Take the adversities of life as a man would.  And for heaven’s sake, if you are right and the LORD has directed you so, then be strong enough to tell your wife and kids the way it is going to be.

Our homes are a mess.  It is no one’s fault but our own.  We have allowed the gender roles to be blurred, then reversed.  Paul knew this.  He is reminding the leadership of the church and the home of their God-given roles and responsibilities.  He is reminding them they had better embrace them or all is lost.  So, men, let us pursue all four.  Let us watch, stand on what is right, be courageous, and not allow adversity to crumple us like tinfoil under an anvil.

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