Monday, February 21, 2022

Giving Much While Giving Nothing

And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.” (1Co 13:3 AV)


When one thinks of charity, one thinks of benevolence.  We think about donating to our favorite cause.  After all, that cause is called a charity, isn’t it?  We think of doing something for someone else.  When we think of charity, we think of generosity.  We think of giving of our superabundance.  We think of easing the burden of someone else.  However, what Paul states here is contrary to that thinking.  It appears someone can give away every last penny he has and not be a charitable person.  He even goes so far as to say he could sacrifice his life to martyrdom and still not have a heart of charity.  What Paul does list as charity are attitudes of the heart towards others.  Things like humility, appropriateness, selflessness, patience, forgiveness, love for the truth, and wanting the best for everyone.  Charity thinks the best of everyone and not the worst.  These attitudes of the heart work themselves out in many ways.  In fact, generosity is not mentioned as a manifestation of charity.  For the simple reason, that generosity can include, or not include a charitable heart is why it is not listed.  Our attitude towards our fellow man is a greater indicator of charity than how much we part with.

In many of the churches which the LORD called me to service, there were usually some very wealthy people.  Most of the time, it was one or two individuals.  These families were very good givers.  Financially, they were the backbone of the work.  In one particular church, the well-endowed member’s giving accounted for about twenty percent of the offerings received.  Not all the time, but enough of the time that it became a pattern, the highest giver was also that individual that caused the greatest amount of fuss in the church.  In several of those churches, the largest giver was also the most critical of others.  In one particular case, visiting with him was like visiting with the worst gossip in town who also happened to be a free-thinking critic of everyone.  What was truly puzzling was if someone was in a genuine need not of his own making, this fella would empty his bank account for that need.  I had witnessed him more times than not, give thousands of dollars to others who had a medical need or hire someone for his business who was out of work, or go the extra mile if someone got in a bit of trouble.  I have seen these men run to the rescue of some pretty hard cases.  However, the heart that would bleed for certain situations would also be extremely judgmental against those whom they could not accept or understand.  I remember one particular conversation where one of the gentlemen was extremely opinionated towards those who work in food service as being unambitious and irresponsible, yet hired people to work for him at the same living wage.  Just because someone is generous does not by default make him charitable.

Now, this is no excuse to stop giving to the church, missions, or one’s favorite charity.  These things are still commanded by God regardless of what our opinion is towards others.  What I believe the Spirit is trying to tell us is our attitude towards our fellow human beings matters.  We live in an age where there is little patience, if any at all, towards those with whom we disagree.  We think patience means compromise.  Not so.  What we need is a little charity.  It reminds me of a line in A Christmas Carol.  As Bob Cratchit is relaying Tiny Tim’s words spoken at church to the minister, he is sharing the spirit of Christmas as seen through this little boy's eyes.  Being a cripple, he noticed that it was at Christmas time he was treated a bit differently.  No one gave him anything.  No one offered to tend to his needs.  What he did notice was the attitude others had towards him and those around them.  He uses the word charity.  Modern versions corrupt the text and use love instead of the real word to be used here – charity.  Love in an emotion of the heart.  Charity is a spirit of the mind.  To esteem one another better than self is the essence of charity.

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