Sunday, February 27, 2022

Does The LORD Need You?

And if any man ask you, Why do ye loose him? thus shall ye say unto him, Because the Lord hath need of him. (Lu 19:31 AV)


That which the LORD had need of was the donkey on which He rode into Jerusalem.  The twelve were sent to fetch this animal and if the owner inquired as to the actions of taking this donkey, they were to reply with the above.  Because the LORD hath need of him.  This really spoke to my heart this morning.  Does one wonder if the LORD has need of me?  This donkey was under some sort of constraint.  He may have been tied up.  He may have been in a pen.  He was under some sort of restriction.  Yet, the LORD hath need of him.  He was under some other burden.  He was dependent upon someone else for his needs.  Yet, the LORD hath need of him.  He was bought by his master for a specific purpose.  He was raised from a foul with grinding our other chores in mind.  But the LORD hath need of him.  The donkey had a very limited life working at the behest of his owner.  He didn’t have tomorrow to look forward to.  But, the LORD hath need of him.  Does the LORD hath need of me?

Imagine the significance of this statement.  The LORD who owns the cattle on a thousand hills needs this donkey.  It wasn’t just some random animal.  It was a specific animal the LORD had in mind.  This animal was chosen from all others.  All others which the LORD owns.  Yet it was this one animal the LORD needed.  But how utterly incomprehensible to think that the LORD needs anything.  Yet, He needed this animal.  The LORD hath need of him.  Secondly, there seemed to be no objection or debate.  No reason to think another animal would do.  It was this one and this one only.  The LORD hath need of him.  The owner didn’t offer another animal nor ask if someone else’s donkey would do.  Why?  Because the LORD hath need of him.  There was something about this donkey that set it apart from all others.  It was him.  This colt was the colt that would carry Jesus part of the way.  He would be the one that had the honor of carrying the King of kings and LORD of lords into the capital city.  It was him!  It was this young animal who would see the crowds as they strewn garments and palm leaves in the way as they cried, “Hosanna in the highest.”  It would be no other.  It would be him.

I wonder.  What is it about me that God needs?  The LORD hath need of him.  What is it that I can do for Him where He would choose no other?  Would He take the effort to set me apart from all others because for one particular purpose, because He needs me?  If the LORD makes no mistake, and I am who I am supposed to be, then what is it that He could possibly need?  Am I ready to be needed?  The ass was watered, fed, and in good health.  When the LORD had need of him, he was prepared to be used.  Am I in a similar condition?  Is there something I should be preparing for?  Is there a job that lies ahead for which He needs me?  What a great feeling to know that you are needed.  When it comes to a God who can do all things, how much does He really need me?  But he does.  Does He have need of thee?

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