Thursday, January 13, 2022

Words Only Jesus Can Say

But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.” (Mt 14:27 AV)


Jesus spoke this as He was approaching the disciples, walking on the water during a storm.  These words may seem like a throw-off.  Something you would say when things are overwhelming to alleviate some of the anxiety but not really believing all anxiety would disappear.  From anyone else, these would be sincere words to encourage yet knowing these same words would be insufficient.  But it isn’t anyone else.  These words were spoken by the LORD Himself in a situation of severe distress.  They had left in the late afternoon for a six-mile cruise across the lake.  A storm rose up and at about three o’clock in the morning, they were still rowing and taking on water.  This means they were trying to save their lives for the majority of that time.  For a trip that should have taken a little over an hour, they had been navigating for about six hours in severe weather.  If anyone else would have said these words, we probably would have thrown him over the side of the boat.  But this is Jesus!  When He says these words, it is our faith in Him that makes this possible.

You know where I am going with this.  It is the ESLO derby.  That acronym stands for Empire State Lake Ontario fishing derby.  It is held every year in late April.  For those who are unaware, spring in NY usually does not show up until mid-May.  April is when winter and spring argue.  This means changing weather conditions.  At best, it means heavy winds and waves.  The wind shifts from out of the west to out of the north.  You pray for a southerly wind because the ESLO derby is fished on the southern part of the lake.  Small craft advisories are common and a small craft is exactly what my dear Father-in-law owned.  For some crazy reason, I agreed to go out with him on the first Friday of this derby.  What was I thinking?  That morning was no exception.  There was a small craft advisory as the wind shifted and came robustly out of the north.  This means the waves were coming to the southern shore where we would be fishing.  The waves were anywhere from eight feet to twelve feet high.  I remember this distinctly because when we were in the swell, all I saw was water.  Being six feet tall myself and elevated by at least two feet, the water had to be eight feet or higher.  All I know is that I feared for my life.  If someone said to me to be of good cheer and no fear, I probably would have lost my testimony.  The thing is, we were only out on that water for about an hour before wiser heads prevailed and we headed back in.

Writing this entry is certainly not an indication that I apply it without failure.  Like most, I am from time to time, battling anxiety.  There are fears.  Life is not always smooth.  There are issues.  We are coming of the age when health issues will be the major influence on all our decisions.  As we get older, our morality comes into view.  There will be anxiety as we begin the process of considering end-of-life issues.  The LORD may give us twenty or more years.  But He may not.  We worry about our kids and grandkids.  We are concerned about our future financial status.  As retirement years loom, we wonder if we will be able to retire at all.  Every new physical ailment is something to which we need to adjust.  Eventually, we will have to face the reality of our health permanently failing.  Add to that the burden others ask you to carry.  Sitting in my office and listening to one heartbreaking condition after another can become overwhelming.  You wish you could wave a magic wand and make all the troubles go away.  You wish you could take the burden for them and give them peace and rest from their trials.  We can pray for them.  We can offer counsel.  But in the end, they are in their own boat as the storm rages all around them.  This is the time for the words above.  Not from our lips.  But, rather, from the lips of Jesus Himself.  So, I will merely be the messenger and not the source.  Be of good cheer and be not afraid.  This is not me talking but the One who has you in His hand.  Be of good cheer and be not afraid.

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