Wednesday, January 19, 2022

As Good As His Word

And the LORD visited Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken.” (Ge 21:1 AV)


I am sure glad we worship a God of His word!  Even if we sometimes lose faith that He will.  Abraham and Sarah were promised a son.  They waited and waited.  While they waited, Sarah had the idea to lend her handmaid to Abraham to bear a child for her.  The custom at the time was a handmaid who bore a child from a union with her mistress’ husband relinquished legal rights to that child.  The child, in this case, Ishmael, would be the legal son of Abraham and Sarah even though Hagar, Sarah’s handmaid, was Ishmael's natural mother.  Sarah lost hope.  She knew the promises made to Abraham.  Perhaps this is why she laughed when the three angels visited Abraham and told him Sarah would bear a son within a year of their visit.  She had waited for so long and now she had a legal son in the person of Ishmael.  But God is not a God who makes a promise and then reneges on that promise.  If God spoke it and said it, it is certain no matter what it might be or how long it might take.

There are very few situations in which we can totally trust the honor or ability of another.  Whether it is a person or product, they or it will eventually fail.  Sometimes the failure is nefarious.  Other times it is simply unrealistic.  I love Allen-Edmond shoes.  I don’t think there are more reliable shoes that are also affordable anywhere in the nation.  Allen-Edmond shoes may cost a bit more.  But they can guarantee their workmanship far and above their competition.  I have two pairs of shoes and praying for one more.  When my church folks were considering buying me a pair of black shoes, they didn’t understand why I wanted Allen-Edmond shoes.  I could buy three or four pairs of shoes at the local discount store for what a pair of Allen-Edmond shoes would cost.  Then I did a blind test for them.  I showed them two pairs of wing-tip shoes.  One was Allen-Edmond.  The other pair I got at Penny’s.  The Allen-Edmond pair is twice as old as the Penny’s shoes.  To a T, my church folks picked the Penny’s shoes as being the older pair.  When I told them the Allen-Edmond shoes were actually more than twenty years old, they couldn’t believe it.  Even the heels on them were barely worn.  Compared to other shoes, they looked only months old.  Allen-Edmonds has a guarantee on their shoes.  A lifetime guarantee.  This company can back up its word.  It used to be if any defect in the manufacturing of the shoes was found, they would repair them for free.  They also promise to repair any wear-and-tear on the shoes and send them back in like-new condition.  This company makes a quality product and can back it up with a warranty.  Most companies cannot.  It is not that they wish not to.  It is simply the quality of the product that makes it impossible to make any promises.  There is a standard warranty that would cover anything mankind could ever make.  Something like 30 days.  One could guarantee almost anything for 30 days.  Promises can only go as far as the quality of the product.

God is not a product.  He is a person.  His quality is perfection.  Therefore, anything He says, He will perform.  No person or force can undermine the plan, purpose, and promises of God.  The simple statement of God’s faithfulness found in the verse above is one that must set the tone of each day.  God’s faithfulness is the security we take in as we wake and walk into the activities of the day.  The world may change.  People may be unreliable.  But God always honors His word.  Things may break down.  Governments will disappoint.  But God will always do what He says He will do.  Plans may change.  Life is all about change.  There are no guarantees in this life.  Even in our best planning and execution, we cannot guarantee an outcome.  But God can.  And does.  Sarah is a good example of how most of us approach God’s promises.  We laugh because we do not think it is possible.  How can God give a child to two people past their prime and physically unable to conceive?  If He said He would then He will.  If God has promised to care for His children, it doesn’t matter what we see, experience, or fear.  If He said He would, then He will.  Praise the LORD we have a heavenly Father who both makes promises and keeps them!

1 comment:

  1. Can He? Could He? Would He? Yes, He can, He could, He would, and He did. :)
