Sunday, January 2, 2022

Responsibility To Give

And some of the chief of the fathers, when they came to the house of the LORD which is at Jerusalem, offered freely for the house of God to set it up in his place:” (Ezr 2:68 AV)


What caught my attention this morning was the group identified in the above verse.  The chief of the fathers.  These were leaders of the leaders.  These were the elders.  These men were those whom everyone else looked up to.  These were also the men who may have seen the original temple before the Babylonians burned it to the ground.  It is written of these men when they came to the house of God, took up an offering, and gave that the temple might be repaired and used once again.  There is no mention of what exactly motivated them.  It might have been a habit with them and they did what they would have always done.  It could be they saw the condition of the house of the LORD and were moved to do something about it.  We also do not know, at least from this verse, if others gave as well.  For some reason, the Holy Spirit felt it necessary to let us know that the chief of the fathers gave freely that the house of the LORD might be set up in its place.

I have seen an occurrence of the following only a couple of times in my many years of eating out with friends.  There would be a part of four or more and we would eat and enjoy one another’s company.  One such time happened in a Buffalo, NY suburb.  Some of the staff of the church at which I served met for lunch.  I think we were out running an errand or something.  There were about five or six of us.  I ordered a Beef-on-weck sandwich with chips and a drink.  I almost didn’t order a thing because this was a spur of the moment thing and I didn’t have any money.  My superior offered to pay for my lunch.  Anyway, we sat and fellowshipped over lunch.  We laughed and prayed.  It was a grand old time.  Then the bill came.  Always awkward.  Someone is designated to divide up the check for each meal and drink.  However, this time it was a bit different.  The bill came and no one looked at it.  I thought they were all playing defense to see who it was going to be that would pick it up.  Instead, a very weird thing happened.  All of a sudden, cash was flying on the table.  A ten here.  A twenty there.  No one looked at the check to bother and see whether it was covered.  They just kept throwing money at it.  When the money stopped floating in the air and it has settled on the table, there had to be over a hundred dollars there.  I knew the check was not even close to that amount.  I looked at the check and then at the money.  Being very poor, I thought this was a great waste.  However, as one missionary explained, money was not the biggest concern here.  It was their testimony to the waitress and restaurant.  I learned something very valuable that day.  These men, who were the chiefest of the congregation, gave of what they had for the sake of the LORD’s testimony like it was second nature.  They gave because it was their nature and responsibility to do so.

As a preacher, I know people do not like messages on giving.  We don’t like them almost as much as those who would rather skip that service.  I feel like a dentist who is tasked with a root canal.  No one really wants one, but we know that we need one.  Giving should not be that way.  Giving should be seen as a privilege and a duty.  Perhaps the reason the chiefest of the fathers gave matter-of-factly was they had matured to the point they understood the work of God does not continue without the offerings of God’s people and if the work of God is going to continue, it will do so only according to their generosity.  They felt an obligation.  They knew it had to be done and were glad to do it.  It was their temple.  It was their sin that resulted in the temple lying in ruins.  Someone has to pay the bills and it must start with the leaders.  This is a sign of true spiritual maturity.  If we are grown up in the LORD, we will see the bill on the table and we will throw money at it.  It needs to be done.  It has to be paid.  And we want to see the work of God continue.

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