Monday, January 24, 2022

Overture and Response

And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.” (Mt 25:6 AV)


This verse is part of Jesus’ parable of the ten virgins.  As we know, five were wise and kept their lamps trimmed and bright.  Ten were foolish and did not keep their oil lamps full of oil nor their wicks trimmed and burning.  When the bridegroom came, five of the foolish virgins had no light in which to entertain the bridegroom.  Five did.  This passage reminds me of the Song of Solomon.  When the bridegroom came, the bride did not get up to meet him.  He left and she had a hard time finding him.  This also reminds me of Revelation.   “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” (Re 3:20 KJB)  That upon which we desire to meditate is the action of the virgin and not the offer of the bridegroom.  They are told to go out and meet him.  And relationship takes the effort of at least two.  One makes the overture, the other responds to that overture.  This is how a relationship works.

I have the most wonderful wife there is!  Truly.  Lisa does not leave me alone.  That might seem like a bad thing.  It is not!  She seeks me out no matter where I am.  Unless, of course, she is busy visiting with others at church.  Then she is all over the place.  But in our dwelling, she cannot be alone for very long.  She will find me.  And, when I disappear, she goes on a hunt.  This has gotten me into the habit of letting her know where I am going and where she can find me.  We live right next door to the church.  I prefer it this way.  I can hop over to my office and work a bit.  Or, I can relax in my recliner as I write and study.  When I go to the office, out to the car, or anything that would take me away from the house, no matter how short the absence is, I let her know.  Otherwise, she is looking all over for someone who cannot be found.  Every once in a while, I will not tell her.  I do this on purpose.  I want here to notice my absence and appreciate my presence.  Not very often.  But from time to time.  Lisa is not clingy.  She is not like a puppy dog who will follow you everywhere and never let you have any time to yourself.  Rather, she is totally tuned into our relationship.  When I am near, she takes that as an opportunity to exercise our relationship.  This is how it should be with the LORD!

God does not force an amicable relationship on anyone.  He extends overtures.  He comes to earth as a human being.  He extends an invitation.  He holds His hand out.  He knocks at the door.  But we have to go out and meet Him.  We have to open the doors of our hearts and allow His presence to be one with ours.  We have to extend a heart of vulnerability that He might be the strength of our relationship.  The LORD Jesus will not break down the door.  He will not barge in.  He will not knock us down in order to get what He wants.  He desires a willing heart first.  Then, He desires a heart that desires Him.  The extent of our relationship with the LORD Jesus is the extent to which we will go to Him.  He has come as far as He is willing.  Now, it is up to us to go to Him.

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