Saturday, January 22, 2022

Only One Master

Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.” (Mt 23:10 AV)


We know our Lord is speaking to the corrupt leaders of His day.  In particular, the Pharisees desired to be admired by others as they demand subjugation to their laws and traditions.  Although we may not be of the same ilk as the Pharisee, we can fall into the temptation of desiring an honor that does not belong to us.  The only one to be called Master is Christ.  One might ask, what does this look like?  I don’t remember anyone calling another, Master.  That is, at least among fundamentalists.  Nor can I ever recollect any preachers claiming an honor belonging only to God.  However, what we can do, if we are not careful, is use the authority God has given to us as a means to manipulate or command more honor that is due.  It is one thing to require respect and loyalty of those who, of their own free wills, wish to serve under us.  What we cannot do is command the same respect and loyalty that only belongs to Christ.  This should be a clear line we will not cross.

My parents had the wisdom to structure their home in a way that kept everyone in line and safe.  With eleven kids, there had to be some method that kept the house from full-blown chaos.  Their structure of authority was simple.  The elder ruled over the younger.  In any situation where the parent was not easily available, the elder was the ruler over the younger.  This way, if we were in a part of the house that separated Dad or Mom from a situation that had to be resolved quickly, life went on.  If we were all playing at the park, then the elder was in charge.  It worked very well.  However, the responsibility to govern our younger siblings, also required we be held to a higher standard.  And in no way was our elder to lord over us.  If he or she demanded something our parents would not demand, there were severe consequences.  If Dad allowed us to ride our bikes in the street as opposed to the sidewalk, we had the right to petition for regress.  We were to obey our elders, but then bring our case to a parent.  If our elder was wrong, watch out!  There was a price to pay.  The honor of Dad and Mom did not belong to the elder.  Just the delegated authority to act on their behalf.

Whether we are pastors, fathers, civil leaders, or employers, we have no right to claim and honor belonging only to Christ.  Our position of authority has been given for the purpose of structure and efficiency. With that authority comes accountability.  Those who have bestowed the honor of servant/leadership must understand they are acting under the authority of Jesus Christ and not an authority which they have earned themselves.  This is where our civil government has misunderstood its place in governing.  They have power delegated to them by the people.  Winning an election does not give the pol an authority he or she does not have.  The pol is subject to the same constitution which the people are.  And, the pol is held to a higher standard.  Our elected officials are forgetting the great truth upon which our nation was built.  The same principle applies to all forms of leadership. There is a higher authority that had bestowed it.  To that authority belongs a higher level of honor and loyalty.  We have no right to demand something that does not belong to us regardless of how it might make our job easier.  All honor and glory belong to the Master of heaven and Earth.  And that ain’t us!

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