Thursday, January 6, 2022

What Everyone Needs But Seldom Asks For

Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” (Mt 6:8 AV)


The ‘them’ are those who use repetitious prayer because they lack faith the LORD would give them of their basic needs.  In essence, our Savior is telling us to pray in faith because God already knows what we need and will provide what we need if we believe and ask.  However, another thought came to mind.  That is, those things which we need.  Can they be determined?  Are the things which we need common to all people?  If they are, are they listed?  What is interesting is following this statement, the LORD gives His model prayer for the disciples to follow.  In that prayer, there are four things the disciples of Christ are instructed to pray for.  They are: God’s will to be accomplished, our daily provision, forgiveness from God and forgiveness towards others, and protection from temptation.  These four needs every soul requires.  These four needs are something for which we should pray in very specific ways that the needs of every soul are met.

The will of God is done on Earth as it is in heaven – God has allowed agents with free will to influence that which He has created.  This does not mean God ceases to be sovereign.  He controls the circumstances of those choices while granting liberty to created beings to make these choices.  This means God’s will is pliable.  This does not mean there is any set of circumstances wherein the perfect will of God fails.  God’s will can have more than one outcome and still be His perfect will.  God is not willing that any should perish.  However, if a soul refuses Christ, His will is that soul to perish.  Either way, whatever the choice a free-will agent makes, the perfect will of God is accomplished.  Therefore, when we pray the will of God to be accomplished on earth as it is in heaven, we are praying for the specifics of God’s will to work out including the circumstances from the choices of others.  In short, when we pray the will of God to be accomplished, we are praying the hand of God to be active and certain in all things.  Including that which directly affects us and those whom we know.

Give us our daily bread – we take for granted our cupboards will be full, our refrigerator will be stocked, the water and utilities stay on, the mortgage is paid, and we have something to wear.  We take for granted the paycheck is in the mail or our assistance will always be there.  The thing is, the LORD is not obligated to provide those things if we do not pray for them.  We do have more needs than physical ones.  We have spiritual needs.  We need to hear from the LORD each and every day for correction and encouragement.  This need is always available but not guaranteed.  There much be deep prayer before we crack the bread of life and listen to the Spirit as He speaks to us through His word.

Divine forgiveness and forgiveness towards others – This need is so under-preached today.  Forgiveness is a basic need of the human spirit.  We need affirmation.  We need to know we have nothing between God and ourselves.  We need that assurance the wrath of God has been satisfied in the person of Christ and that our present sin is also forgiven.  To live under the pressure of guilt and shame is not a comfortable place to live.  Equally so, we need to forgive others who have offended or caused an injury.  To remain in a bitter state causes great spiritual and physical harm.

Protection from temptation – Some assume the temptation here are any difficulties of life.  However, that would not agree with other passages of scripture.  We are called to have our faith tried under fire.  We are called to suffer persecution for the cause of Christ.  Of these temptations, we have no standing to ask for relief.  However, there are the temptations to sin that plague us until our dying day.  Temptation to sin is powerful.  Some we can overcome in our own strength.  Most, we cannot.  Temptation is something that requires the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.  Overcoming temptation requires a working knowledge of the word of God.  Temptation is something we face every day.  So, to overcome it is a basic need.

When Jesus tells us that the Father knows all that we need before we ask and then gives us four things which we should pray for regularly, I think it would be good advice to do just that.  Upon reflection, these four basic needs are usually that which we pray for least.  Unless there is a pressing need in one of these areas, we tend to take them for granted.  This is unwise.  Let us not use vain repetitions thinking God will answer based on how many words we use.  Rather, let us ask in faith.  Nothing wavering.  But let us ask.

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