Saturday, October 30, 2021

What Do We Really Expect?

And now, Lord, what wait I for? my hope is in thee.” (Ps 39:7 AV)

This psalm starts out with an impatient and frustrated writer.  He muses over the actions of the wicked and finds himself getting angrier and more frustrated.  He vows to keep silent and not in with his lips.  Then his prayer turns to himself.  He wants to see the reality of who he is.  He is quick to see the faults of the wicked but has not spent the time to know his own heart.  He asked the LORD to show him how human he is.  Not that excuses the actions of others.  They are still wrong and cause great harm.  What David seeks is a balanced view.  Then he asks the question above.  What is he waiting for and is that which he waits for realistic?  Does he hope the world makes all things right?  David muses over the real cause of his frustration.  He wants a perfect world.  Then he answers his own question with the solution.  Hope in God.

I subscribe to a website called Nextdoor.  It is a service that organizes subscribers by location.  We can then share threads, job opportunities, sell items, etc.  I appreciate the service because it keeps me informed about the issues that prevail in our neighborhoods.  Most of the threads are concerns of one nature or another.  The majority are reports of crimes in the area.  From time to time, there are threads concerning prevalent social issues that tend to be on the minds of most Americans.  To the original writer, the issue at hand is very important to him or her.  As the thread progresses, some share the same concern and those who do not.  Comments are rather enlightening.  Just this morning, a thread was started that is sure to get a lot of feedback.  Responses from the greater prism of opinion will no doubt be shared.  However, like most threads, the nature of them are still the same.  Someone wants their world to be different.  Someone wants their world to be perfect.  Not that the issue at hand is not legitimate.  Almost all of them are.  The problem is problems.  There will always be problems.  There is no magic pill that will take all the wrong away.  As long as man is on the earth, there will be issues.  This is the life we have chosen because of the choices we as a race have chosen.  What are we waiting for?

David’s solution is the only one that works.  That solution is hope in God.  We cannot, as hard as we might try, right every wrong.  We could put police at every street corner and crime would still occur.  We could find a magic pill that cures all known diseases, and mankind will still pass from one cause or another.  Mankind ruined the paradise God created for them.  We chose to disobey and no we are reaping the consequences.  Living in frustration over something mankind cannot fix is wasted emotional reserves.  The answer is to do the best we can in mitigating all that ails us.  But there will be more that will take its place.  The only hope is hope in God.  Eternity is our final state.  And if we have trusted Christ, then our existence will be absolute perfection.  No more need for services such as Nextdoor because there will be no issues to solve.  Do what you can to make our world better.  Absolutely.  But we will never, and can never, make it perfect.  This is reality.  The only solution to sanity and contentment is faith.  Faith in a God who knows all and will eventually make all things right.  Come, LORD Jesus!

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