Thursday, October 28, 2021

All Means All

Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” (Ps 34:19 AV)

Several thoughts come to mind.  First, many are the afflictions of the righteous.  It is rather impractical and naïve to think we can get through life without afflictions.  These afflictions are a way of life.  We are in constant pursuit of a trouble-free life because the world wants us to think it is possible.  The Devil advertises all those things he wants us to think will solve all our problems.  This only leads to discouragement because we are in pursuit of something that cannot be attained.  We are disillusioned with God because we thought if we did everything right, then all our troubles would go away.  The problem is, we live in a sin-filled world.  Trouble abounds because of Adam’s curse.  So, afflictions are the way of life.  Yet, there is a promise that follows the undesirable reality of afflictions.  That is, God delivers us out of all our afflictions.  This may not be done immediately.  We know we will have issues for the remainder of our natural life.  Some of these afflictions will be short-lived.  In fact, most of them are.  Other afflictions will last a lifetime.  Health issues will only increase as our age increases.  The promise, however, still stands.  God will deliver us out of every one of them!  By life or by death, there is coming a day when our afflictions will cease.

That word ‘all’ really has me captivated.  The last two weeks have been a bit of a trial of faith.  My dear Lisa has a physical condition that must be monitored at the very least, every six months.  She needs a repeat test in six months to determine more fully that which we are facing.  For the moment, and the foreseeable future, there is little with which to be concerned.  The doctors have told us there is no cause for alarm.  However, we did not know this until about a week ago.  This is one of those afflictions that will last a lifetime.  That, coupled with a situation I am dealing with, has caused us both to look mortality in the face.  Like every other human being ever born, we are not impervious to death.  It is the curse which we have been endowed with and we have also earned.  Each couple has had to face these issues.  As we age, we come hard-pressed to face the reality of life.  That being, natural life ends.  That word, ‘all’, comes to mind.  God will not deliver us out of most.  He will deliver us out of all.  I have been on the other side of these unfortunate realities of life.  I have had to console many spouses who have had to say goodbye.  What I noticed is those who know the LORD and walk with Him seem to bounce back pretty well.  Their faith and the power of the Holy Spirit delivered them from all their afflictions.

Not that I am concerned with the homegoing of the best friend  I have ever, or will ever have.  That is not even on the radar screen.  But it was.  Even if but for a brief few months.  We still have several decades to look forward to.  At least that is the plan.  What I can say is that these situations cause one to look life right in the face and acknowledge there are difficult times ahead.  Preparing for these times is part of walking with God.  Allowing Him to strengthen us through these times rather than to automatically wish them away is our goal.  He will deliver us.  That is if we give Him half a chance.  When the LORD promises all of our afflictions we cease, that is exactly what He means.  Most in this life, all in the next.  All means all.  Not most.  Not a few.  Not many.  All means all.  David speaks from experience.  He had a lifetime of trouble.  Yet, the LORD delivered him out of all of them.  And He will do the same for us.

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