Wednesday, October 13, 2021

All Will Praise Him

Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.” (Re 15:4 AV)


Spoken by those who are martyred during the tribulation period.  They will see unprecedented rebellion against God and His Christ.  They will see the rise of the Antichrist.  They will see Israel flee into the wilderness.  They will see the 144,000 killed by the midterm.  They will see the two witnesses executed, then rise again after three days.  They will see one judgment after another with the world reacting in deeper rebellion.  They, too, will be martyred for their faith.  They will see all this and wonder at the worthiness of God to receive the praise which He deserves.  The question above is one of common sense.  If God can send all this, who is it that will not fear the LORD?  To do otherwise is beyond foolish.  The question above is one of consolation.  Not of the coming vindication for their martyrdom.  Rather, the coming consolation that our precious Savior will finally be worshipped as He deserves.  There is coming a time when every voice on the planet will worship the King of kings.  In a concerted unity of voice, all of living mankind, along with the redeemed and glorified saints, will join in glorious worship of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The day after I received Christ, I realized just how much the world hates Jesus.  It was really eye-opening.  Especially as it was expressed in television and radio.  I was a rocker.  So to speak.  I listen to popular rock and roll.  Not really the acid stuff, but not the pop-rock stuff either.  Anyone who listened to this garbage was well aware of the subject matter.  Mostly immorality and drug or alcohol use, lyrics began to shift a bit.  From sins of the flesh to blasphemy, it began to be popular to sing songs that degraded anything secular.  Someone addicted to that music soon lost any respect for God or godly things.  Then there was the garbage coming out of Hollywood.  The same shift happened there, as well.  Back in the infancy of television, there were wholesome programs that taught principles.  Then a bored audience demanded wickedness.  Soon, wholesomeness was replaced by filth.  This filth then transitioned to blasphemy.  It really hit me one day when I was at work and we had tradesmen doing work in the building.  They used profanity in every other word.  It was so bad I had to ask them if they needed a dictionary so they could learn new English words since their vocabulary was pretty much limited to curse words.  Letting them know I was a Christian, I demanded they stop using my Savior’s name in vain.  It hurt.  Every time they blurted out the name of the LORD as a curse, it stuck in my heart.  I can understand how the tribulation saint will feel when their Savior is insulted far more than He is now.

Hence the wonderous promise above.  Knowing there will be a time when everyone present will worship the LORD with a true heart of respect and honor.  No more cursing.  No more profanity.  No more sick humor, so-called, that degrades the LORD in the most profuse ways.  Once the millennial reign of Christ begins, that is the end of all rebellion.  The vast majority will still turn their back on Him when the 1,000 years are up.  But their insurrection will be quickly defeated.  In the blink of an eye.  Almost like it never happened.  For those who are saved and love their LORD, we look forward to the day when all will speak well of Him.  We look forward to the day when all opposition is destroyed.  We look forward to the day when every musical refrain is about Jesus.  What He is and what He has done will be trumpeted throughout all of creation and all praise Him as He deserves.

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