Saturday, October 2, 2021

He Lives To Help

Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.” (Heb 7:25 AV)


Hebrews is a book written to God’s chosen people for the purpose of proving Jesus Christ is a new and better way than the Old Testament ceremonial law.  Specific to chapter seven is His attribute of eternality.  The writer of Hebrews makes the point the priesthood of Aaron was temporary.  The priesthood, or the act of intercession, was eternal in Christ in the person of Melchisedec and continues in Christ.  This, by the way, is the reason those denominations of Christendom that use a priesthood are unbiblical.  The priesthood in mankind was temporary.  The priesthood in Christ is eternal.  And only an eternal being can be a priest.  Jesus Christ is God and needs no help in the office of a priest.  He lives to make intercession for us.  We need not utilize a human intermediary.  Our verse for the day speaks primarily of salvation.  However, it also applies to any and all trials or circumstances which we are facing.  The definition of the ministry of Christ is to intercede for us in our human frailties.

In my younger years, I was a custodian for an office building full of lawyers.  My wife was secretary to a county judge.  We worked this way for about seven years.  Over those years, we got to know several lawyers and judges rather well.  There are those lawyers who are so because it is what they do.  It is how they earn a living.  There is nothing wrong with this.  In part, we are all that way in regards to our attitude towards our profession.  Others really do not like what they do and they will only take cases that are guaranteed to succeed.  These counselors are few and far between.  Then some do what they do for no other reason but to help the public.  I have known a few of these lawyers.  There are two that come to mind.  Although it has been almost thirty years since I saw them last, I can recall their faces.  Not so much their names, but their faces.  One lawyer was very successful at what he did and his office reflected his talent.  He had an above-average office with his own full bath and workout room.  The other shared a small office with an up-and-coming lawyer.  What these two men had in common was they constantly offered their services to me pro bono if I ever needed help.  Me, a lowly janitor, had the heart of two men who had more net worth than my mind could comprehend.  These two men lived to help others.  It was the definition of their profession.

Jesus Christ is eternal.  He has no beginning nor end.  Mankind came into being sometime in the past.  But long before then, the interceding person of the eternal Godhead existed.  He is from eternity. This means the desire and nature to intercede existed long before He created.  The person of Jesus Christ, His eternal person, exists that He might make intercession for those who come to the Father through Him.  Think about that!  A person of the Godhead exists for you!  No matter what you may face, we have a God who loves us more than we can ever know or appreciate and He exists for the express purpose of hearing your plea and advancing your cause to the person of that same trinity whose will is supreme.  What an awesome Savior we serve.  No matter how I feel or how lonely I may think that I am, I have a God who exists for the primary reason of loving me and assisting me through the hardest times of life.  This intercessor revealed just how much He cares by limiting Himself to human existence, being tortured and killed by an angry mob, and enduring the wrath of the Father, for the purpose of paying a debt that I owe.  Once paid, He further proves His love and devotion to me by approaching the throne of the Father, for my benefit.  He seeks God’s perfect will for us and comforts us in the hardest of times.  This is what He lives for.  This is what gives Him purpose.  This is what fills His heart.  To ever make intercession for those who wish to approach the Father through Him.

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