Monday, October 11, 2021

Trouble Turns

The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked cometh in his stead.” (Pr 11:8 AV)


That is, the wicked come into the trouble that is brewing.  Now, we need to note a very specific distinction here.  Notice the righteous are in trouble, or they wouldn’t need to be delivered out of it.  Otherwise, the words ‘out of’ would read ‘from’.  Since the wicked are not in trouble, it would stand to reason they are immune to that trouble.  If they are immune, could they be the ones who are causing it?  Now, here is the lesson.  If the wicked are the ones causing the trouble from which the righteous will be delivered, then the wicked will be taken in their own trouble which they have caused.  Think about that one!  We are told by Peter that should not be thought strange to suffer persecution.  We desire to live the perfect life of blessing with little to no suffering.  With men, this is impossible.  There will always be trouble.  There will also always be trouble caused by others.  The promise above tells me that when others cause trouble, we may have to suffer for a while.  But in the end, those who cause trouble will be taken in their own trouble.  Herein is the patience of the saints!

It doesn’t take much to apply this to the rapture of the bride of Christ.  This precedent was set long ago.  Noah is our type.  By the hands of the rest of the world, Noah suffered.  Scoffing and the like were a regular occurrence.  He received no help.  No encouragement.  As he and his sons faithfully prepared the ark, the entire world let them know just how ridiculous it was to them.  What was rain?  They had never seen rain?  The mountains were high. How was God going to cover the entire earth with water?  Impossible.  Unless the LORD flattened all the earth’s surface, there was no way the earth would be covered with water.  They erroneously thought the family of Noah had lost their collective minds.  How could such an event ever come to pass?  But come to pass it did.  All the mouths of the scoffers inhaled water, drowning a horrible death.  The trouble they brought upon Noah was cast on them, tenfold.  The same is true today.  We live in a generation that is seeing increased persecution against people of faith.  The latest being the tyranny of those who would impose their idea of what it means to be socially responsible and safe.  Churches have been shut down and people of faith have had their personal religious liberty revoked.  All in the name of being a relative standard of the better good.  It will not be long before people of faith are locked out of society altogether.  The tribulation will be a time of trouble for all.  Yet, the saint will be delivered out of it by life or by death.  That which wicked mankind designed against God’s people will come upon their own heads.

When we are agitated or worried at the trouble inflicted upon our souls, our patience is in the truth those who cause it will suffer more than we ever will.  It is a pity, really.  Our heart of compassion goes out to our adversaries because we know that as bad as we might have it, they will have it ten times worse.  Their hope is the same as ours.  The hope of salvation in Jesus Christ.  Yet, they have chosen to reject that blessed gift.  In doing so, they have set themselves against God and His people.  Trouble abounds.  Trouble is coming.  There is nothing that will stop it.  God has ordained that His people suffer at the hands of the ungodly.  For whatever reason, the LORD has destined us to endure through trouble.  Our hope and patience is the trouble inflicted on his will turn upon the heads of those who cause it.  God’s justice is absolute.  It is unavoidable.  It is certain.  Herein is the patience of the saints.

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