Saturday, July 24, 2021

Uncertain Blessings Are Still Worth Pursuing

Who knoweth if he will return and repent, and leave a blessing behind him; even a meat offering and a drink offering unto the LORD your God?” (Joe 2:14 AV)


There is some disagreement regarding this verse.  Even among Hebrew scholars.  They do not agree on who is leaving the blessing behind him.  Some read it as the backslidden nation of Israel.  Others, God.  I am of the latter opinion.  The verses before it encourage backsliding Israel to repent and the reason for repentance is found in verse 14.  That God might return from His current direction of harsh judgment for Israel’s sin.  Some might point to the second half of the verse and wonder why the LORD would leave a meat or drink offering.  The same school of thought that believes this is God repenting and returning read this to mean that God would leave behind him the means for the penitent people to offer meat and drink offerings to the LORD.  The point Joel is making is that if we walk with God, there is a chance He will bless and provide the means by which we might worship and serve Him.

I have seen estranged children wonder if returning to their parents would result in acceptance and love.  I have seen these estranged children assume they will never be treated with unconditional love.  They remain estranged because they falsely believe they have erred to the point they can never be loved again.  There are several which come to mind.  One such family had a daughter.  She grew up in a Christian home.  This young lady had begun the life of promiscuity while still under her father’s roof.  Mom and dad both shared their disappointment.  Yet, their daughter could not stop.  She left home in the arms of one of her lovers only to bounce around from one relationship to another.  When I met her, she has repented of her wicked life and was living with some girlfriends.  She was part of our singles class.  In speaking with her, we encouraged her to re-establish her relationship with her parents.  Although she was on her own, she struggled rather adversely in the circumstances she created.  She needed help.  She needed support.  She needed guidance.  She made an assumption she would not know for certain unless she re-connected with her parents.  She cut herself off from potential love and compassion because she assumed there was no more grace for her.

Whatever our reasons, we are foolish to think God will not change His course of direction if we do so ourselves.  There is always hope.  God’s grace is infinite.  God’s mercy is everlasting.  When we estrange ourselves from the presence of God, He must deal with it.  But that does not imply He has permanently cut us off.  In fact, the Bible teaches us quite the opposite.  To the contrite and broken-hearted, God loves them with an everlasting love beyond our comprehension.  As to the blessing?  Only God knows what He has prepared for those who return.  It may not be much.  It may not be hardly anything at all.  Or, it may be a treasure trove of restoration for the purpose of serving Him!  What a promise!  The question is one we should ask ourselves.  Who knoweth if he will…leave a blessing behind Him?

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