Sunday, July 18, 2021

Don't Fret; It's Ours

And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.” (Da 7:27 AV)


There is great angst among God’s people over the condition of our world and nation.  We see troubling trends that do not bode well for the gospel.  We see laws and our culture changing to satisfy the wicked and perverse.  We see liberty to share our faith with others coming into conflict with the rulers that be.  It seems like the whole world has gone completely crazy.  We wonder how much longer this world will continue to head in the direction it is until things change to glorify God.  We erroneously think that we can effect change by way of a voting booth.  This will never happen.  The most prosperous and wicked kingdom in the entire history of mankind came by way of the voting booth.  Rome rose to heights by a government somewhat like our own.  Yet, wickedness was her downfall.  We want righteousness.  We want purity.  We want all the temptations of the flesh removed from the marketplace.  We want the sanctity of marriage and family honored in the manner which God intended.  What we need to keep in mind is that which we desire is not of this world.  It will come.  But it will only come by the return of Jesus Christ.

Growing up in the wintery climate of western NY, playing in the snow was a normal activity.  One year, for Christmas, our parents got us these plastic snow brick makers.  It was open-ended on one side with a handle on the opposite side.  Perhaps six inches by six inches by twelve inches or so, these red plastic molds made the perfect snow bricks.  As we played, we had to share these molds with our siblings.  Over the years, the elder children learned a sneaky way of getting what they wanted.  They helped their younger siblings build their ‘fort’ with the understanding the younger would later help them build theirs.  This project often spanned several days.  The elder siblings never became anxious or envious at the forts of their younger siblings.  They knew what was coming.  The younger siblings had little imagination and tired easily.  After a few short hours, forts of the younger siblings were built, and on to the mansions that awaited the elder sibling’s we went.  The elders had an eye on what will be.  Not on what is.  The younger sibling built their forts in the front yard.  The elders in the back.  They knew there was more room and snow than the front.  They knew they had time and resources.  What the younger children concocted would not even be compared to what their imaginations dreamt of.  Their kingdom awaited and it was far better than what smaller minds could plan.

Israel and the church have a promise.  This promise is of a coming kingdom with Christ as her sole head.  This kingdom will be established in righteousness and true holiness.  No more crime.  No more sodomy.  No more disrespect to the One true God.  No more persecution.  No more war.  No more hunger.  No more wickedness.  This kingdom is promised to the saints.  There are no amount of arms or voting that can usher in the kingdom.  At least not from our efforts.  To waste emotional and spiritual equity working for, and trying to hasten the promise, only diverts our attention away from the task at hand.  We are to be the light that shines in a dark place.  The light of hope in a dark world.  We are to spread the love of Christ to anyone willing to accept it.  Read that verse above and know God will not go back on His word.  The world to come is far better than anything we could ever establish.  Wait on Jesus!  He is coming back and no one will vote Him out of office!  Glory!

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