Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Precaution Does Not Replace Faith

The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD.” (Pr 21:31 AV)


For me, this verse has particular application this morning.  Note this verse does not prohibit amassing horses against the day of battle.  This is wise and prudent.  Solomon had a good deal of horses and chariots.  His father before him amassed weapons of war.  This is not the wrong thing to do.  And, this is not what Solomon is indicating.  There is a balance here.  The word of God tells us to be wise and prudent.  Scripture indicates we should do everything we can to be responsible and safe.  This is true for a nation.  This is true for an individual.  We put locks on our doors.  We take vitamins or medication.  We put up fences, handrails, and anti-skid coatings.  We do all this to protect what God has given as an exercise of good stewardship.  However, to be naïve to think all our precautions can keep us safe without the hand of God is not realistic.  God could, if He so desired, keep us from all conceivable harm that we would not have to take any precaution.  He could organize the economy of the world that no matter what we did, or failed to do, we would not see any harm.  But that is not how the LORD organized it all.  He expects us to learn responsibility and FAITH!

Who hasn’t been afflicted by a bully or two?  It is almost a right of passage. I have had a lion’s share of it.  Praise the LORD I didn’t have a dad who made me completely fight my own battles.  He wanted us to learn how to defend ourselves.  He couldn't be there for every incident.  But he wasn’t the kind of dad who refused to come to his son’s defense if the need arose.  This was such the case in our neighborhood.  There were a few times the neighborhood punks took advantage of us.  Even to the point of physical beatings.  We would travel in pairs or trios.  We would avoid certain streets.  We would ride our bikes everywhere we could.  We would get to know friends in the neighborhood.  However, from time to time, no matter how careful we were, trouble found us.  When we could come home a bit bruised, my father would hop in the car and cruise around looking for our adversaries.  On one such occasion, we had found them, followed them, and my father confronted parents warning of police involvement if they didn’t harness their children.  No matter how careful we were, we knew our father had us covered.

Whether it is a medical issue or a car issue, we can do what we can do and should do, to ensure the best possible outcome.  We carry insurance.  We eat right.  We exercise.  We get plenty of rest.  However, no matter what we do, we cannot prevent everything.  This is where faith comes in.  Carry that insurance.  Take care of yourself.  Balance that checkbook.  But in the end, the outcome is in the hand of God.  We cannot live without faith.  This is why God created man.  He created us to live according to faith in Him.  To do any less is to fail in our purpose.  When those safeguards fail, how do we feel?  Is God in control or isn’t He?  Will He counter the offensive and bring victory another way?  Will He remain faithful when we have done our best to be good stewards?  Will He meet us in the time of need when the horses have been hewn or the chariots were broken apart?  Will He rescue when the precautions fail?  According to Solomon, that is exactly how we should approach every battle.  We have resources.  But those resources are no guarantee.  God is our defense.  And, our faith should settle there.

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