Monday, July 26, 2021

It All Belongs To Him

And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD’S.” (Ob 1:21 AV)


The last seven verses are our meditation this day.  The kingdom shall be the LORD’s.  The millennial kingdom of Jesus Christ is that to which the prophet is referring.  As we know, the LORD has given the kingdoms of this world over to the influence of Satan.  God is still in control.  However, He has allowed the Devil to work his influence in them.  And, without exception, he has been successful in the fall of every kingdom and nation ever established by the hand of mankind.  This would include Israel.  This would include our own beloved United States.  When the Devil revealed all the kingdoms of the world to our LORD and offered them to him, he wasn’t kidding.  Satan has them in his power.  At least some power.  But the statement above puts this all in perspective.  Although the LORD has allowed Satan a certain level of influence and ownership over the kingdoms of the world, Jesus is coming back and He will control it all.  They shall be the LORD’s and there is nothing Satan or mankind can do about it.

This has been a constant theme throughout the year for me.  One more reminder that no matter what man does, Jesus is returning and taking it all back again.  One of the most traumatic events in my grade school years was when my English teacher stepped out from his classroom for a call and left us students alone.  There was no adult supervision at all.  No secretary.  No parent.  No employee.  I think he thought it was going to be a quick call.  As things go, students left unsupervised devolve into pretty bad behavior.  Our class was no different.  There were conversations that didn’t need to happen.  There was monkey business like throwing pencils into the ceiling to see if they would stick.  There was a spitwad competition or two.  And our favorite game of paper football broke out all across the room.  Me?  I was always a loner.  I was a quiet person who didn’t engage others all that much.  One of my nemeses, who was not liked by most classmates, decided the best way to gain popularity was to pick on the quiet kid.  This he did to his own hurt.  When the class was in an uproar cheering my self-defense techniques on, in walked the teacher.  Immediately the class came under control.  Everything ceases without him uttering a word.  Knowing the situation, he sent my nemesis to the principles and returned me to my seat.  The classroom may have surrendered to the lawless, but only for a time.

This is how we need to look at current events.  Sure, horrible things are going on in the world.  Our own nation has been given over to the ungodly.  And it’s only going to get worse.  We read or watch the news only to hear one more decision by our leadership that takes us further down the road to godlessness.  We do that because the drama of it all stirs our passions.  We get angry and upset over things of which can do anything to change.  We get agitated and irritated not because there is little we can do, but because we have forgotten the LORD will assume control wresting it away from our great adversary.  The kingdom is the LORD’s and He will take it back.  There is nothing that will stop it.

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