Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Fear For The Fountain

The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.” (Pr 14:27 AV)


The search for the fountain of youth is a reoccurring theme in many movies or TV shows.  In a cursory reading of the fountain of youth at Wikipedia, I learned the myth of the fountain of youth dates back to the 5th century BC.  The legend of such a fountain is found in most cultures today.  Of course, it was Ponce De Leon who put the legend on the map, so to speak.  His explorations of South America and the Caribbean had an interest in finding this evasive fountain of youth.  It is said that if one could bathe in, and ingest waters from the fountain of youth, such a person could extend their life and live a healthier life.  What is never explored is the extra trouble an extended life might bring.  This legendary fountain of magical waters doesn’t make a person’s problems go away.  He may live longer.  He may live healthier.  But when he returns from the fountain of youth all his troubles of life are there to greet him.  The fountain of youth could be a great blessing.  But it could also mean great cursings as well.  A life full of troubles is no life at all.

Above, our writer observes the fountain of life is in the fear of God and the result is to avoid or depart from the evil that ends in death – the opposite of life.  This fountain of life is not necessarily a longer physical life.  We will all die eventually.  No, this life is a life of meaning, purpose, blessing, and contentment.  Yes, there will still be troubles.  Man is born unto them.  But with the fear of the LORD, life will be as full as possible.

What we must consider this morning is the nature of this fountain.  First, a fountain is stationary.  It does not move.  Like a well, it is located in one place and will always be there.  As long as the water lasts, those in need of it know where to find it.  A village does not venture too far from the fountain lest thirst is their undoing.  Reverencing God, or fearing God, is the center of life.  It is the anchor which keeps the soul from venturing out into danger.  Next, wells have a habit of never running out.  Some do, of course.  Most do not.  Especially those dug very deep.  Jacob’s well spoken of in the word of God is still active today.  Thousands of years later, it still supplies water to those coming to its brink.  Dug more than one hundred feet down, this water will be there day in and day out without ever diminishing its supply.  The fear of the LORD is the same.  Worship, reverence, respect, and love for God are a fountain that leads to life.  As we appreciate who and what the LORD is, His supply to our spiritual needs never runs dry.  Thirdly, because the water in a fountain is fed through underground sources filtered through rock and sand, the water of a deep fountain is pure and clean.  There is nothing like it.  One of the places we used to frequent was Watkins Glen State Park in Watkins Glen, NY.  It is a beautiful place where the attendee hikes up or down the gorge, taking in the wonderful sculpture created by the hand of God.  Towards the bottom of the hike, there is a fountain coming from the side of the mountain.  It is a tube from which fountain water flows filtered by the foothills of the Alleghany mountains.  When we visited there, we would take empty canteens or water bottles and fill them up at the mountain fountain.  It is the clearest, purest, and most delicious water you will ever taste.  The fear of the LORD is the same.  Pure, clean, refreshing.  Nothing like it.  Those who fear God quickly learn the joy of living!

With a worldwide population looking for the meaning of life or a life of abundant contentment, they seem to ignore the one fountain that can bring them the life they seek.  That being, the fear of God.

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