Sunday, July 11, 2021

Man's Plans - God's Hand

Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.” (Pr 11:21 AV)


Another word of the phrase, ‘hand join in hand’, would be a conspiracy.  The wicked plan to overthrow the righteous, but it never works.  A conspiracy had a very short half-life.  Eventually, conspiracies are discovered because no one believes coincidence can be that well-orchestrated.  Common sense would tell us that fate does not organize itself into a grand scheme.  As Solomon put it, time and chance happeneth to them all.  But these are small and quick events.  They may work to the interests of the wicked, but to have a conspiracy work, deception, and the ability to permanently hide it is necessary.  That is never the case because truth will always prevail.  The suggestion above is the wicked will conspire to punish the righteous.  The LORD does not promise us a life free of trouble.  Part of being a Christian is to suffer for the name of Christ.  Yet, the LORD will not allow the church to be consumed by the wicked.  The conspiracy will not work.

David is a perfect example of this verse and maybe he is whom the writer had in mind when he penned these words.  In the early years of David, he didn’t have it easy.  For thirteen years, David fled from the face of his father-in-law, Saul.  Shortly after Saul assumed the office of king, God proclaimed he would lose the throne and it would pass to David.  This would cease the practice of passing the crown to one’s son with Saul.  Jonathan would not sit on the throne of Israel.  This did not sit well with Saul.  From cave to cave and from wilderness to wilderness, Saul pursued after David that a javelin might be thrust through his heart.  Saul wanted David dead so that Jonathan could reign in his stead.  Along the way, David suffered for his calling.  He occasioned the death of the priests at Nob.  He was betrayed by a city in his own tribe’s territory.  He had to send his parents away into a pagan land that they might not be used as bait to get to him.  Towards the end of his reign, David suffered a conspiracy of his own son Absalom.  All these efforts to end the ministry and life of David eventually fell apart.  God protected David.  He had troubles.  That is for sure.  But he survived because the conspiracies failed.

The church is guaranteed victory.  The gates of hell will not prevail against the church.  We see the beginnings of persecution on the church similar to the persecutions during the first century AD.  These persecutions will grow and become more common.  These persecutions will climax during the reign of the AntiChrist.  During those seven years, professing Christ will cost the saint his head.  What the Devil and the world do not understand is the church is a spiritual kingdom.  You cannot kill it by temporal means.  We are seeing the fire-bombing of church buildings in the western world.  Something that was only seen in third world countries with predominate secular or religious zealots who hate God.  The world is joining hand-in-hand that the righteous might be destroyed.  But it won’t work.  The church will prevail because the church is eternal.  Though hand join in hand, no matter how strong the alliance, the righteous will prevail!  Guaranteed.

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