Monday, July 5, 2021

Regardless, Preach On

And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: for they are most rebellious.” (Eze 2:7 AV)


I person’s willingness to hear the truth does not determine our responsibility to declare it.  Ezekiel was sent to God’s people when they had already decided there was nothing that would bring repentance.  They were stubborn in the sin and refused multiple years and prophets declaring God’s message.  As the LORD told him, Ezekiel was sent to a rebellious people who would ignore his message.  What is even more puzzling is the majority of his book was written to the people who had freshly gone into captivity.  One would think that right after a spanking, the heart would be tender towards authority.  But quite the opposite happened here.  Like a stubborn child who hardens his heart at the chastening of Dad, Judah turned their back with even more resolve against the words of the prophet.  Above is the unction to preach the word of God regardless of the response one might get.

I was raised with a pediatrician who was bluntly honest.  He was on a first-name basis with my mother.  When we went for a check-up or shots, Dr. Muscato would pull no punches.  Of we were carrying on, he would take command of the situation and stop the nonsense.  Of my mother tried to console us amid our ‘life-ending experience, the good Doctor gave her the what-for.  Most of the time he rebukes regarded my mother’s overreaction to her child’s suffering.  However, from time to time his stern advice swerved into other areas like diet or lifestyle habits.  I can remember two specific times in which he gave my mother a dress down.  The first was when I was overly anxious about a shot I was about to receive.  The other was a stern rebuke over TV watching.  Now, my mother is the most saintly of all mothers to ever live!  She took that advice and followed it.  She never got angry with the doctor.  I am sure not every mother was as humble as mine.  But if I know my pediatrician as well as I think I do, that didn’t stop him.  If there was something that needed to be said, it was said.

We struggle far too much in trying to make an offensive message palatable.  In doing so, we worry more than we should that people may react adversely to the message.  Like Ezekiel, regardless of how it is received should not determine our responsibility to share it.  If it is the truth, then it must be shared.  Ezekiel had a lot of faith.  He sat with the rebellious for seven days without saying a word because of his shock over their rebellion.  If that were me, I think I wouldn’t even bother to share the word of God with them.  If their face were set like an adamant stone against the word of God, His forgiveness, and their restoration, I think I would have written them off and told them to have a nice life.  But that isn’t a choice.  If we are to share the good news of the gospel, then we are to do so apart from their reaction to it.  Whether they will hear or forebear, preach anyway.

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