Friday, June 4, 2021

Your Sin Is Showing

The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.” (Isa 3:9 AV)


It is hard to hide a guilty conscience or an obstinate spirit.  In our passage, those guilty of sin are not even trying to hide the very sin of which they are guilty.  Their sin is blatantly exhibited before all.  This is obvious.  But this is not our concern this morning.  Our concern is how, without knowing it, we can wear our emotional state, which is a result of our sin, clearly on our face.  Interestingly, one can notice a certain look on the face of an individual and, for the most part, discern their sin.  At least in extreme cases.  The drug addict will have a certain look.  The alcoholic will have a certain look.  The sodomite will have a certain look.  The thief will have a certain look.  The envious will carry themselves a certain way.  These are subtle, or not subtle appearances that give away what is done in private.   The same is true of any child of God.  We think we are getting away with sin, but in reality, those who discern can read our demeanor and appearance and pick up on the fact there is troublesome sin lurking beneath.

Children are horrible at hiding a guilty conscience.  Any parent knows this.  I was one of those children who had a guilty-looking face even when he wasn’t guilty of anything.  My father, especially, asked me frequently, “What did you do, now?”    Maybe I didn’t do anything.  It was that tender child’s heart that knows he has lied, or envied, or slandered, or was malicious in some small way sometime during the day.  My father would see it on my face and interrogate me as if I had just smashed the family car.  However, something happens to us as we age.  We learn to hide that guilty look.  We learn to cover our shame.  It is still there.  But not so obvious.  We are then deceived into thinking if most cannot see what is written on our faces, then none can see what is written on our faces.  We think we are going through life with a bag over our heads, however, those who are spiritual and possess the gift of discernment can see right through it.  Then, when we are found out, it is like someone pointing out that piece of spinach that had been sticking to our teeth all day long.  Completely embarrassed at our lack of attention.

The solution is not to become more proficient in hiding our guilt and shame.  The solution is not to practice disguising our obstinate and rebellious hearts.  The solution is to seek forgiveness from a God ready to show mercy and live in the joy that comes with that mercy.  The solution is to confess and forsake sin.  Not to hide it.  The Bible says,  “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” (Pr 28:13 AV)  When I go to open-casket funerals, I am always moved by the look of the face of the deceased.  The mortician has a way of capturing the definition of a person’s life on the appearance of their face.  Sometimes, there is joy and contentment.  Some show confidence or faith.  Then some show anticipation.  Still, others show negative emotions like dissatisfaction, impatience, frustration, or even hopelessness.  How a person lived their lives is written on their countenance.  If such is the case with a person who has departed, imagine what we look like as we walk very much alive.  It is there.  Written on our faces.  Therefore, let us confess and forsake our sin that our face may show forth the mercy and grace of God.

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