Saturday, June 5, 2021

God's Levels the Path

For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he pondereth all his goings.” (Pr 5:21 AV)


So, the word ‘pondereth’ has thrown me off a bit.  When we ponder something, we are mulling it over in our minds because there is information missing, or an application missing.  There is a lack somewhere that causes us to ponder.  Why is something the way it is?  What is the purpose?  Why doesn’t this make sense?  What am I supposed to do with this?  These questions are questions of pondering something to which we are exposed.  However, God who knows all doesn’t need to learn anything.  So, why does He ponder?  The Hebrew word here means to make level.  In that sense, our pondering and God’s pondering are the same.  We seek to make something level because it is out of balance.  Our minds or hearts conflict with what we saw, read, or heard.  So we have to bring it into balance so we know what to do with it.  We ponder the obscured to make it plain.  When God ponders, He levels or balances our wicked actions with His justice.  The context bears this out.

Solomon is comparing the wife of our youth which God has given as a gift, with an opportunity an adulterer takes with a harlot.  The marriage bed is not out of balance.  What God has designed has been thrown out of whack.  It must be put back into balance.  It must be leveled.  The leveling is described in the next two verses.  The adulterer will be taken in his own ways.  He will be ensnared in them.  The pleasure of the sin will be like a drug that continues to drag him further and further into its talons.  This application is not limited to sins of intimacy.  It is true of any sin.  Any unrepentant sin can become a habit.  Our sin could be as innocuous as fibbing.  Or it could be as serious as pride.  The particular sin is not the issue.  At least for the duration of this devotion.  Sin is captivating.  Sin is enslaving.  Sin grows from little to large. What is important is God’s pondering of our sin.  He will level the playing field.

Think of it this way.  In Boy Scouts, there were several activities designed to test a Scout’s skill and resolve.  One of those tests was an orienteering course with skills tests along the way.  There was a certain time allotted for this challenge.  Perhaps it started after breakfast and it ended at lunch.  Those laying out the course would do several dry runs to make sure the course was not too long or too short.  They wanted the scouts to compete, but they didn’t want them to be too early or late for lunch.  So, there were obstacles placed along the course to level the time it took to complete it.  There were roadblocks, so to speak, that forced the competitor to slow down.  Some challenges purposely cost the scout time and effort.  There were placed there as a frustration to the scout’s ambition. There were times of racing.  But there were also times of staying still.  These waypoints were a way of making the course run a predetermined path in the exact manner the planners had planned.

God has placed in the nature of the universe a moral law and consequences for failing that moral law.  These consequences are the leveling of the life of man to produce that which God desires.  He ponders our paths.  He makes even our transgressions by designing consequences.  The course is even.  We may think we are having fun by riding that sled downhill.  But someone had to drag it back up again.  In our context, it is being taken in the snare of immorality.  A sin that is hard to escape.  The end of that snare is destruction and ignorance.  However, each sin has its consequence.  It is the pondering of God that makes these consequences unavoidable.  The example given in our passage is a man who leaves the pleasure of his wife for something that is essentially the same.  The only difference is the thrill of doing something which one is not supposed to do.  But the physical act is the same.  The exemplified man is a fool to think it is greater pleasure.  It is not.  It is a trap and God will ponder his goings.  The path will be made level.  God will even disobedience out with judgment.

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