Sunday, June 20, 2021

Disrespect Only Hurts Self

Whoso curseth his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness.” (Pr 20:20 AV)


How we treat our parents is the only commandment with promise.  The Bible teaches if we treat our parents with respect, then God promises a long life.  This is the meaning above.  Literally speaking, if a child cursed his parents, it meant the death penalty.  There is an example in scripture of just that.  A young man was ill-treating his parents and blaspheming the name of the LORD.  They took this lad out of the camp and stoned him to death.  Solomon's wisdom here is not only for the Old Testament saint.  We would not institute the death penalty for disrespect.  However, the truth still stands.  If we disrespect our parents, he may no cost us our physical life, but it may cost us the blessing of a contented and fulfilled life.  Either way, disrespecting our parents has severe consequences regardless of the character of our parents.  God does not stipulate disrespect is warranted if our parents were not perfect.   Respect was commanded regardless of a parent’s quality of character.  It was commanded; with promise.

I have known many families who are made up of ungrateful children.  They make it a habit of complaining about their parents.  Particularly their fathers.  It seems to be an epidemic in separated Christian circles.  These children complain the rules in their houses were too strict.  They reach their teenage years and they can reason abstractly.  Yet, without an absolute point of reference.  Their musing is based solely on their own values.  They see Dad as a flawed being who makes rules but is not a perfect ruler.  They put on him something even they are incapable of.  Perfection.  When Dad fails, the disrespect comes.  I have watched these children grow up into adulthood.  These same children, unless they grow out of that disrespect, are not happy adults.  They are miserable and complaining adults who pass on to their children the habit of disrespect.  Dad never claimed to be perfect.  He never said that.  Perhaps he wasn’t transparent enough.  But he never claimed absolute perfection.

Paul stated the truth above this way:  “Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)” (Eph 6:2 KJB)  The promise is the light of life will not diminish.  Those who come to terms with the imperfections of their fathers and respect him regardless of those imperfections have learned the hard truth they are no better.  This humility goes a long way in the enjoyment and blessings of life.  The heart is content.  The mind is at ease.  Showing appreciation and respect for parents isn’t just for minors.  It is for adult children as well.  How we hold up our parents is directly associated with our quality of life.  If our lives stink, maybe it is time to evaluate our attitude towards our parents.  My father recently passed.  My mother passed three years ago.  I have no one to call on father’s day.  No one to send flowers to on Mother’s Day.  Time is short.  The opportunity to show respect is not eternal.  Take the time to do just that before all opportunity is gone.  It is the key to a blessed and contented life.

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