Monday, June 7, 2021

Goodbye and Good Riddance!

Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.” (Isa 14:15 AV)


We are taught not to feel a certain way.  We are taught as Christians to think only positive thoughts regarding other beings.  This may be the case for our fellow human beings.  As long as they are still breathing, there is a remote chance of conversion to Christ.  We are to love our enemies.  We are to do good unto those who would do us harm.  We are to share the love of Christ with our fellow human souls with the intent of bringing them into a saving knowledge of Him who died for us all.  However, this respect and love for our fellow human beings do not extend to the spiritual world.  We are tormented by God’s archenemy for no other reason than hatred.  Satan hates God and desires to destroy everything and everyone important to Him.  He desires to inflict as much aggravation and destruction as he can on the people of God and the church.  It is OK to hate the devil!  It is OK to desire his demise.  To that end, the verse above is a promise!  A promise to those tortured by the evil interference of the father of lies!

Unless you were a bully, you were more than likely, a victim of a bully.  These kids usually come from difficult home lives.  Perhaps they are living out what they experience at home.  Perhaps envy at the blessings of others is the motive.  Or, maybe they were simply born mean.  It is the latter from whom little compassion is expressed.  These people come from good homes. They have enduring parents who try to raise them the best they can.  They discipline them often.  But nothing seems to click.  Most bullies are like the one in the movie A Christmas Story.  Scut Farkus was mean. But he was tamed by a boy who came to the end of himself.  Frustrated over life’s troubles, when tortured by Scut Farkus, he unloaded on him.  Most bullies grow out of it.  However, from time to time some never do.  Sometimes, these people grow up to do great harm to others.  Even to the point of committing serious felonies.  When they are caught, tried, and sentenced, society usually breathes a breath of relief and may even rejoice a bit.  The bully is finally contained.  The bully is finally thrown away never to see society ever again.

Satan has done more damage than can be humanly calculated.  He has destroyed families and nations.  He has destroyed churches and individuals.  He is constantly fighting against Israel and the church.  He knows he cannot defeat God.  So the only motive is to destroy as much as he can.  There is no chess game afoot.  There is no competition between God and the Devil.  God wouldn’t stoop so low!  Satan knows the word of God.  He quoted it to Jesus.  He knows his end.  Even the evil spirits of legion understood this.  They asked Jesus if He had come to torment them before the time.  They know what is coming.  So their motive is not to checkmate God.  They know this will never happen.  The only satisfaction they can receive is to inflict as much pain on that for which God shows love.  The human race is their primary target.  When their revolt in heaven failed, the only object left was mankind.  This explains why we receive the brunt of Satan’s wrath.  But there is coming a day when the Wicked One will be thrust in the pits of hell forever.  He will be tormented in the lowest parts of hell with no mercy from God whatsoever.  The hottest place in hell is reserved for him and that is what every child of God waits for.  May he burn in hell forever.

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