Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Take The Medicine While It Works

He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.” (Pr 29:1 AV)


Do you have those verses in the bible that scare you?  For me, this is one of them.  This verse is the final verdict on the unrepentant.  This speaks more of failed corrective measures than it does direct punishment for rebellion.  Solomon is saying what we all already know.  That is, there comes a time when correction does not good.  No matter the circumstances which we reap, there seems to be nothing that works.  Eventually, the consequences of our choices are our undoing.  What is really troublesome to me are the last four words.  There is no more hope.  No matter what consequences may come, it will never change behavior.  This is an awful state in which to be.

Over the years, I have served others with failing health who could have reversed their situation, or at the least, extended their lives.  One soul comes to mind.  A man whose life was full of stress decided the way to manage it was to take up smoking.  As we all know, smoking isn’t the healthiest of all habits.  One way or another, it was going to take his life.  And that it did.  Already struggling with respiratory issues, nonetheless, he would escape to take in a smoke or two.  Surviving on oxygen for the last five years of his life or so, he never gave up his cancer sticks.  Whenever he felt life was a bit too much to bear, he would light up.  His family begged him to quit.  He tried a couple of times but never was successful.  It was difficult visiting him because he struggled to breathe.  It was a challenge to carry on a conversation because he got winded just talking.  This went on for years.  Finally, the smoking and breathing issues got the better of him and he passed away.  There came a time when even if he did quit, it wouldn’t have mattered.  The damage was too extensive.

This is what repetitive sin does.  No matter what we choose to believe, sin is not done in a vacuum.  There are consequences for our choices.  These consequences are designed by God to change our actions.  If we drink, we get a disease.  If we are immoral, we are publicly shamed.  If we are bitter or angry, it causes harmful toxins to build up.  Whatever the sin, there are consequences.  Sometimes they are subtle.  However, left unheeded, they turn into significant problems.  When we are on the outside looking in, we think the individual has some kind of disconnect to reality.  How could he continue in his sin and suffer as he is for so long, and choose not to change?  Yet was are the same.  We have an abiding sin that will exact a great price, yet we ignore the warning signs and headlong into disaster.  This is why the verse is so scary to me.  I wonder if I have gone down a path of no remedy.  It is a good check against habitual sin.  Knowing there may come a time of irreversible consequences should stop and cause a pause in life.  How about you?  Are you heading for disaster?  Seek the pill of truth and discipline before there is no more remedy.

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