Monday, June 21, 2021

The State of the Later Day Prophet

My bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart; my heart maketh a noise in me; I cannot hold my peace, because thou hast heard, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war.” (Jer 4:19 AV)


Jeremiah is a special kind of prophet.  He is tasked by the divine hand of God to preach to a people who are about to lose everything.  There will be no repentance.  There will be no revival.  Judah was heading towards military defeat at the hands of Babylon.  The ten northern tribes had already been in captivity for several generations.  God’s people refused to turn back to the God who brought them out of Egypt and not sit in jeopardy of their liberty and lives.  No matter what messages Jeremiah preaches, there will be no change.  Much like the preaching of Noah and his three sons.  While they were preparing the ark, they preached repentance and judgment.  Noah and his three sons did not have one single convert.  Only eight souls went into that ark.  Lot was another.  He lived righteously, yet vexed his righteous soul at the influence of the cities in which he dwelt.  He was God’s man and he couldn’t even save his own wife.  These men were asked to do the impossible.  They were asked to preach with no hope of souls from their efforts.  Jeremiah, called the weeping prophet, preached his heart out and Judah completely ignored him.  He saw what was coming and that was why his bowels moved as they did.  He could see the train wreck, but no one was willing to move.

I feel sorry for my doctor.  I don’t know how he does it.  He cares for many patients, myself included, who don’t live a perfectly healthy lifestyle.  We are getting better.  We are starting to watch what we eat and exercise a bit more.  However, a healthier lifestyle and the maintenance medications we are on are not going to stave off the inevitable.  Sometime in the future, distant or near, this earthly tabernacle will cease to function.  When the clock is slowly ticking down, my poor doctor warns me of habits that may hasten that day.  He is a top-notch clinician.  He watches my blood draws like a hawk.  He is the best doctor in the whole Milwaukee area.  I can assure you!  He looks at all the labs and when he diagnoses a problem, it is not merely by symptom.  He wants to know the lab numbers.  He orders specific tests and narrows down the issue.  In the end, whatever treatment is followed, another problem will crop up.  I don’t know how he can treat patients like me who don’t always follow his educated advice.  He has to go home every night knowing the vast majority of his patients will disregard what he knows is best for them and return months later with a different problem.  It has to be truly disheartening.

This is what every messenger of God faces no matter the generation.  The overwhelming majority of souls one shares the love of Christ with will reject what they deeply and desperately need.  This doesn’t stop with the lost.  When the preacher mounts the pulpit, at any given time, he may be addressing a largely deaf audience.  What is worse is he can see what is on the horizon.  He knows the great falling away which precedes the coming of the Antichrist is upon us.  He can see the overall condition of the world and the church at large.  He knows things will not get better until they get worse.  Yet, like Jeremiah and Noah, he still declares the word of God with compassion and concern.  His bowels are moved at the condition of mankind and knows there is very little he can do about it.  He is looking for that one drowning swimmer who will scream for help so he can rescue the perishing.  The task in front of us is daunting and emotionally draining.  Only by our love for Christ, the lost and the sheep, and the power of the Holy Spirit can we continue in the valiant effort.  We need to pray for the Jeremiahs.  He quite.  He gave up.  That is until the message of God’s plan burned in his bones like a fire.  Pray for one another.  Prayer for you preacher.  Pray the Spirit to keep alive the flame of the gospel lest he burns out with the reality of the situation.

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