Monday, June 14, 2021

There's Nothing There

I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.” (Isa 43:25 AV)


The context of this verse is very interesting.  This statement is made in the context of Judah’s lack of genuine worship. The LORD is asking where are Judah’s offerings and sacrifices.  The LORD then states Judah is asking God to tolerate their sin as they serve Him.  He follows the statement above with a plea to get right because He will forgive all their transgressions.  In short, the statement above has more to do with the application of the truth than the truth itself.  Note in particular the present tense and future tense of the verse. In the present tense, God blots out sin.  In the future, He remembers it no more.  This verse can be taken as a challenge.  A challenge to confess and forsake one’s sin because God does and will blot it out.  This is the direct application.  Another application is how we want to consider it this morning.  That is, the simple fact that God has blotted out our sins and will never bring them up again!

Every one of us has done something hard to outlive.  That is the reason I will never go to a school reunion.  I’ve never gone to a grade school, middle school, or high school reunion.  Failures, as well as successes, are the topic of discussion.  There was this sitcom my wife and I used to watch.  One of the episodes concerned a deep-seated fear the main character suffered from.  They couldn’t figure it out until memory was stirred.  The main character was a sports writer.  He played a lot of sports as a child.  One of them was baseball.  He and his older brother were on the same team and their father was one of the coaches.  As a young lad, this boy was bouncing up and down at the plate.  He was looking back as his coach and his coach didn’t pick up on the body language of this young batter.  The young batter hit a double.  While standing on second base, he was hopping up and down.  He tried to get his team to call time.  No one did.  This poor young man had to relieve himself so badly, he couldn’t hold it any longer.  There was a puddle at second base.  Needless to say, the coach had him steal from second to home because no one would tag him!  However, that earned him a nickname from that time forward.  Pee Pee Pants was his nickname well into adulthood.

When we stop and consider just what happened at Calvary, it should radically change the life.  And this is God’s point above.  What was done is done.  It is in the past.  It is forever covered in the blood of Jesus Christ.  Not only that, He has blotted out our sins, past, present, and future.  As far as the Father is concerned, we are in the white robe of righteousness provided by the grace of Christ's death and imputation.  What the LORD allowed me to take away from this verse this morning is His grace cancels the adversary’s torment.  I may have a nickname that the Devil wishes to use, but as far as God is concerned, He has forgotten all about it.  It has been blotted out!  God sees it no more.  The adversary wants to discourage us with our past failures.  He wants to neutralize us with memories of failures past.   He wants to shut down our effectiveness for the kingdom of Christ.  The devil desires to change our joy into grief and all chances he gets.  Don’t let him!  Remind that old serpent that God’s grace has blotted out your sin.  Others may never forgive you.  But God already has!

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