Saturday, June 12, 2021

This Day Is Coming

Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off.” (Isa 33:17 AV)


This promise is to wayward Israel.  This promise is one that helped them endure the captivity in Babylon.  They had the promise they would eventually return to Israel and Jerusalem.  Upon their return, the king would once again sit on the throne of David.  The land that was very far off is the land of Israel.  However, the king is referring to the coming of their Messiah.  This promise was what helped them get up day after day in a strange land subjugated to strange people.  The hope of a perfect King and a far-away land was the impetuosity that propelled them year after year.  Even when their worldly leaders wanted them exterminated, it was the hope of reconciliation and restoration to the promises of God that allowed them a feeling of peace and joy they would otherwise not possess.  As a New Testament saint, we can become weary in well-doing.  The longer we strive for the glory of God and personal holiness, the more we desire the promise above.

The more we walk with God, the more we can agree with the writer of Hebrews when he states,  “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.(Heb 11:13 AV)  The longer we stay on this earth, the more we feel that we do not belong here.  This planet is our temporary dwelling place.  This life is an opportunity to live in such a way unique to this life.  We have the awesome responsibility and privilege to serve God by faith.  We have the wonderful opportunity to learn what self-sacrifice, self-denial, and humility are all about.  We have the gift of sharing the gospel message with those who are ignorantly unaware of their deep need for mercy.  Peter tells us,  “Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.(1Pe 1:12 AV)  We are so blessed in this life.  Yet, there is something that only the bodily presence of our LORD Jesus Christ can fulfill.

Years ago, while working at Boy Scout camp, I had a crush on this girl back home.  Her father would not let us date because she was too young.  In retrospect, I am sure glad he had those standards.  I was sixteen at the time and had no business dating myself.  But, we did correspond.  I was the camp secretary.  It was my responsibility to get the mail and deliver it to our staff and campers.  I took particular interest in letters address to me.  We were separated by two hours and I got home every other weekend.  On those weekends, we were allowed to talk on the phone.  Separation was unbearable.  I always looked forward to those trips back home!  How much more will our glorification be a source of joy and completeness when we meet our King and Savior face to face?  We have a land very far away.  It is beyond the confines of the universe.  But it is also nearer that when we first believed.  Our very far land and the King in His beauty that reside they are only a heartbeat away.  Let that love and desire grow!  Ache for the day that your faith will be turned to sight.  Pray for the day wherein our faith will end in the very presence of the King of King and LORD of lords!  It is this promise that will give joy and hope to the present.

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